Before the first date kiss has even happened, the guy is worried.
Not so much about whether the kiss will be good or bad, but whether to go for the kiss at all.
A first date that is going well gives him further inspiration to go for the kiss at the end of it.
This has him consumed with thoughts about when the right moment would be to go for the kiss.
Meanwhile, on the other end of the table, you are having a different thought process.
Unlike the guy that you are on a first date with, there isn’t any pressure to go for a kiss at the end of the date.
You already know that men are traditionally responsible for the courtship process, including the first kiss.
Rather, given how well you two are getting along, you are wondering whether he is going to go for a kiss at the end of the date, and if he does, whether it will be good.
As the date progresses and the romantic chemistry strengthens, the thought of sharing a kiss with him keeps crossing your mind.
You have looked at his lips a good number of times, thinking about how nice it would be to kiss them.
Although there is some anxiety about whether the first kiss you share with him will be any good, there is no pressure on you to make the kiss happen.
All that pressure is on him.
Across the table, he is worrying about whether he should go for the kiss, and if so, when.
He doesn’t want to mess this up.
On the one hand, he is getting along with you tremendously and wants to kiss you at the end of the date.
On the other hand, he is asking himself whether it is better to wait until the second or third date to go for the kiss.
He flirts with the idea of delaying the kiss for a different date, and when he does, the pressure alleviates.
For a moment.
Being that he is having such a good time with you and the romantic chemistry is so electric, he can’t help but get back to thinking about kissing you by the end of the date.
What if that is what you are expecting?
What if you are disappointed if he doesn’t go for the kiss?
What if you refuse to give him a second date if he doesn’t go for the kiss?
His thoughts are a chaotic mess.
By the time the date ends and he has made a final decision to go for a kiss, his stomach is in knots.
Unsurprisingly, this anxiety makes him more susceptible to delivering a poor kiss.
In the event he does, you are left disappointed.
As someone who was wondering whether he would kiss you at the end of the date, given how well it was going, you are somewhat underwhelmed by his kiss.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the magical moment that you had been envisioning all through the date.
Depending on the amount of credence you give first date kisses, this poor kiss is a make or break situation for you.
It isn’t for him.
Regardless of whether he kissed you poorly, or vice versa, it isn’t a deal breaker for him.
A man is traditionally expected to instigate a first kiss.
He spent the entire date fretting over whether he should go for the kiss or not.
He was far more worried about whether you would respond to a kiss, than he was about whether said kiss would be bad or not.
You responded to it, and that is a relief.
It lets him know that you like him, and this alone inspires him to want to take you out on another date.
Unlike women, men aren’t prone to romanticize the act of kissing.
He is more concerned about whether the girl rebuffs his kiss.
As long as she doesn’t, he believes that there are better kisses to be had in future dates.