You are worried that any woman you date is keeping her eyes open for someone better.
There is a frequent fear that no matter how good you are to a woman you are dating, it won’t be enough.
This doesn’t do you any good.
Yes, women have a propensity to date men that they deem the most qualified.
They date up so to speak.
This is a biological imperative to them.
It gives her a stronger faculty of security in having chosen a man that is the most qualified to provide and protect.
All of this is true.
There is no point worrying about it.
All you can really control is what you do.
You have no control over what your competition does.
In being too concerned about whether it is just your turn when you are dating a woman, you risk coming off as insecure, and this turns women off.
In essence, by getting so caught up on this concern, you end up behaving in a manner that makes her think that you have a dearth of confidence.
Confidence is a significant qualifier that women look for in a man they want to partner up with.
She wants a man that is confident in himself and isn’t fearful of the competition.
When you are persistently asking her questions in reference to who else she is dating, you seem weak, as though you are fearful of losing her to these men.
Not only does this make you appear insecure, weak, and with a deficiency of confidence, you give her the impression that you have no dating options.
This is a turn off.
It gives her an impression that you aren’t desirable to women at large, which must mean that you don’t have that much value.
Yes, a woman does take into account a man’s ability to attract women.
She doesn’t like the idea of her being the only dating option that he has.
This makes her anxious that if she were to make him her boyfriend, he is totally reliant on her company and attention.
His whole life becomes about her, and he has no life of his own.
This perception is enough to compel her to ditch the guy and move on.
When you are so concerned about it just being your turn, you risk inadvertently fulfilling this prophecy.
This is where you show insecurity, weakness, a deficit of confidence, and give her an impression that you aren’t desirable to women in not having dating options.
In lieu of putting yourself at a disadvantage by letting this mindset overwhelm you, showcase your strengths to her.
Whatever it is that makes you a great catch, show it off.
Forget about all the men that are interested in her.
You have no control over what they do.
Concentrate on what you do.
A woman knows when she has found the most qualified man for her.
As long as you are actively dating women, and showcasing what makes you such a great catch, it’s inevitable that you are deemed the most qualified to one or more of them.