Women treat you like you are unworthy of them because you are.
Hate it all you want, but this is reality.
Women are picky in who they choose to date.
If you don’t fit what it is they are seeking, they are deeming you unworthy.
You don’t have what they desire in a partner.
In lieu of hating the fact that they keep rejecting you, enlighten yourself on what they are looking for, and whether you have the potential to meet it.
The attractive women you desire have critical standards they expect in a potential partner.
No, they aren’t accepting you as you are.
This isn’t a romance movie.
They are looking for qualities in a man that make him worthy to date them.
When you keep dwelling on the disappointment that these women keep rejecting you, it becomes far too tempting to wallow in your own self-pity.
This only exacerbates the situation, as you remain in stasis, not doing anything but wallowing in self-pity.
Women treat you like you are unworthy of them owing to the fact that you are missing elements that they deem important when picking a mate.
By working to acquire these missing elements, you improve yourself as a person and become a viable mate.
An attractive woman won’t make it easy on you.
She wants a fair value exchange.
No, it is not enough that you work an average job and live an average lifestyle.
There are millions of men like this, who are champing at the bit to date her, and she has either ignored them completely, or relegated a good number of them to her friend zone.
You have to stand out if you want to land an attractive woman.
Do the extraordinary.
Don’t be average.
Attractive women are attracted to leaders.
Are you a leader?
Have you built an organization?
Do you lead people at the job you do?
All this time, you have chosen to play it safe at work by not striving to do anything beyond what is required of you.
That is why you haven’t had a promotion in years, and you aren’t in a leadership role.
There are attractive women where you work, as long as you don’t work at a small mom and pop gas station in the middle of nowhere.
These attractive women are attracted to leaders.
They gravitate towards the men who hold leadership positions at your workplace.
Those are the supervisors, managers, directors, executives, etc.
Are you ready to become extraordinary?
Put in the work to get yourself in a leadership position and several of the attractive women at your workplace are deeming you worthy to date and treating you accordingly.
Either this, or set out to build or run your own organization or business.
All of this sends the message to a woman that not only are you are a leader, but a good provider.
Being a good provider is yet another predominant quality that women look for in men they want to date and pair up with.