You are confused about a guy that hasn’t been consistent in how he has gone about wooing you.
Whenever a guy has shown a liking to you in the past, he has exhibited clear romantic cues of interest.
Some of these romantic cues included asking you out on consistent dates, flirting with you, having regular conversations with you, etc.
That has been your past experience with men who have taken a liking to you.
Presently, you are confused about a guy that hasn’t been consistent in how he has gone about wooing you.
He has had good moments with you.
Moments that match the experience you have had with men who have shown an interest in you in the past.
These are moments where he asks you out on dates, flirts, communicates regularly, etc.
These are moments that make you confident that he likes you.
Sadly, this is followed up with moments where he is no longer consistent in his behavior.
He isn’t asking you out on dates, flirting, or communicating with you as regularly.
This is when you get confused.
It’s the complete opposite of how he was behaving the previous week.
It feels as though he was leading you on the whole time.
But then, his behavior changes again.
He starts asking you out on dates, flirting, and communicating with you more regularly.
You get excited, thinking that everything is back where it should.
Inevitably, the energy subsides again and he is back to no longer being consistent in his behavior.
Even though all of this has you confused, his inconsistent behavior is a sign of something quite apparent.
He doesn’t like you all that much.
Not enough to consider you as a future relationship prospect.
A guy that sincerely likes you is consistent in his behavior.
He doesn’t follow up a week of taking you out on dates, flirting, and communicating with you regularly, with a week of inaction.
If anything, a guy that sincerely likes you gets that much more excited about you as he takes you out on dates and gets to know you better as a person through conversation.
The vitality and consistency of his behavior elevates with time, seeing that he is building a rapport with you, as he takes you out on dates and gets to know you that much more through conversation.
His excitement and interest in you should be soaring week to week, as he looks forward to seeing you again.
When a week of activity is followed up with a week of inactivity, this is a strong sign of a guy who doesn’t like you all that much.
It’s a fun time to talk to you, and take you out on dates, but this isn’t enough to keep him engaged.
He gets bored.
On the weeks he is inactive with you, he is preoccupied with his own life, taking other women out on dates and engaging in his favorite pastimes.
You barely cross his mind on these weeks.
When he gets bored with his life, he reverts back to reconnecting with you again.
He thinks you are fun to talk to and hang out with, but he isn’t intrigued enough by you to want to make you a permanent fixture in his life as a serious girlfriend.