Having had no girlfriends throughout your life, or barely any, you have told yourself that you are powerless to change this.
Fundamentally, you blame the world at large for why you are lonely.
A world that you have made yourself believe is against you.
All you are is the little guy.
What power do you have to go against a system that is rigged against you.
With this viewpoint, you adopt a victim mindset, telling yourself that there is no point exerting yourself to get a girlfriend when the system is rigged against you.
You wallow in this victimhood and use it as an excuse to stop striving.
In giving up the fight, you are genuflecting at the feet of the big bad world.
With this approach to your plight, there is no one else to blame for your loneliness but you.
Sadly, the victim mentality has given you an out.
You have told yourself that you are nothing but a peon in the big bad world, and there is no way a peon like you can defeat a rigged system.
A rigged system that has told you that you are too short to attract a woman’s desire.
A rigged system that has told you that you don’t have enough money to attract a woman.
You don’t have the charisma to attract a woman.
You don’t have the social status to attract a woman.
You don’t have the charisma to attract a woman.
This list goes on and on.
It is in this list that you place all of the shortcomings you believe you possess as a man.
All shortcomings that you believe have prevented you from getting a girlfriend, or have caused you to struggle to get a girlfriend throughout your life.
All too convenient.
Rather than taking a look at these shortcomings and finding areas you can improve on, you tell yourself that there is no avenue to overcome them, given that the system is rigged against you.
To buttress this perspective, you think about all the guys who have girlfriends that you know of and see on a daily basis.
You make these guys out to be the ones chosen by the rigged system to have girlfriends.
These are the tall guys.
The guys with money.
The popular guys.
The guys with charisma.
Guys with all of the qualities that you don’t have.
With this mentality, you resign yourself to a lifetime of loneliness and absolve yourself from taking any responsibility for the reason why you have struggled to have a girlfriend.
Until you stop with this victim mindset, you are fully responsible for being lonely.
You have conveniently taken the onus to improve yourself as a man from your shoulders, and made all of your woes in getting a girlfriend a conspiracy.
The truth is, by changing your mindset and taking responsibility for your loneliness, you won’t be without a girlfriend for long.
Do you have the courage to do this?
Yes, it means that you have to get out there in the world and socialize with people.
That means you are patronizing clubs, bars, parties, weddings, barbecues, conventions, interest groups, community events, festivals, malls, etc.
You are routinely putting yourself in social settings where people are, several of whom are sure to be women.
The greater exposure you have to women in these social settings, the more they see you.
The more women see you, the greater the odds you attract a few of them.
As long as you know how to put sentences together in conversation, you hit it off with the one that ends up becoming your girlfriend.
See how straightforward this was?
There was no world conspiracy to keep you lonely.
All you had to do was strive to get into social settings, giving a multitude of women a visual of you.
None of this required that you be tall, rich, or popular either.
The sooner you get rid of your victim mindset and put yourself out in the world, as an alternative to playing video games or watching TV all day, the sooner you get yourself a girlfriend and end the loneliness.