Redheads have elevated levels of the reddish pigment pheomelanin, and somewhat low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin.
This is what makes you fair-skinned with freckles, with a lighter eye color, and a sensitivity to ultraviolet light.
Given that you have fairer skin, you are capable of absorbing more nutrients from sunlight, which facilitates in producing vitamin D in less time than women with other hair colors.
Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium which strengthens your bones and immune system.
Bet you didn’t know all of the biological advantages you have by virtue of being born a redhead.
Though considered red as a general term, your hair is closer to strawberry, burgundy, copper, carrot, ginger, auburn, etc.
Given that less than 2 percent of the world’s population have natural red hair, this makes you extremely unique.
You stick out in a crowd.
This is a massive advantage that most women don’t have.
Even if you aren’t traditionally beautiful, your physical features alone make you stick out.
A guy doesn’t come across that many redheads in his life.
Most never do.
Seeing you in a crowd instantly grabs his attention.
You are a rare sight.
That red hair has him completely transfixed, and for a moment, he isn’t looking at any other woman in the vicinity.
You have his complete attention.
Surely, you have had this effect with men.
If you haven’t noticed it, you aren’t paying attention.
This, or your body language is extremely unappealing.
It’s one thing to capture the attention of a guy, it’s another thing to keep it.
Once he sees you and is transfixed by your physical features, the next thing he is looking for is open body language.
This is where so many girls fail, redheads included.
They walk around with awful body language that discourages men from approaching them.
What is your body language like?
Are you walking around with your head down, fixated on your smartphone?
Are you constantly in a hurry?
Are your hands perennially positioned across your chest?
Are you avoiding eye contact?
All of this body language behavior is uninviting to guys.
Being that guys are the ones who are burdened with having to make the first move on a woman, they want to be positive that they are coming into a warm and inviting space.
He is already risking rejection, but he wants to do everything in his power to mitigate it.
This is his motivation in looking for body language cues that let him know that a woman is open to being approached.
When a woman has closed-off body language, a man doesn’t want to risk approaching her, out of a fear that he is not only about to be rejected, but humiliated.
Many women are completely unaware of how bad their body language is, and these are the same women that complain about how little they are approached by men.
Take a cue from these women and do the opposite of what they do with their body language.
Being a redhead, you are already at an advantage because your physical features make you stick out.
But now that you have his attention, your body language is what draws him in.
Make eye contact when you are out and about.
Slow down, don’t be in such a hurry.
Smile, do not scowl.
Keep your smartphone in your handbag and leave it there.
Be courteous and friendly to those around you.
All of this is positive body language that he is observing you do.
It encourages him to finally make that move and approach you.