Girls know how to differentiate between serious guys and nonserious guys in dating.
They are fully aware of who the serious guy is and who the nonserious guy is.
She primarily goes after the nonserious guy, given the challenge it entails.
That is a pertinent factor that draws a preponderance of girls to bad boys.
She knows that he gets a large amount of attention from women.
She knows he’s arrogant, and trouble.
All of these factors are what makes him so enticing.
She wants to be the girl that changes him.
There is a powerful impetus to get him to fall for her amid all of the attention he gets from all those women.
Meaning, she succeeded where so many of those women failed.
She wants to be the girl that tames him and tempers his arrogance.
This is what makes him so attractive to her.
Obviously, his good looks are the cherry on top.
That said, she has been coveted by good-looking guys in the past that didn’t interest her.
Though good-looking, these guys weren’t a challenge.
They were too available to her, gave her too much praise, and agreed to all of her opinions without dissenting.
They were terrible at verbal game, constantly keeping the topics of conversation safe, as opposed to introducing a sufficient number of controversial topics.
Even though he is a good-looking guy and is a great candidate for a long-term relationship, she isn’t interested in dating him.
Without the element of the unknown, she isn’t all that interested in dating him.
These are the men she puts in the friend zone.
She keeps him in her life as a platonic friend, but doesn’t want to pursue a romance with him.
From time to time, she leans on him for emotional support, but the thought of dating him is not enticing.
Without a spark, he is not someone she sees herself wanting to date at this time in her life.
She knows that he is the safe choice.
He has been loyal to the few girlfriends he has had in his life, and has never had a bunch of girls chasing after him, nor following him on social media.
His has a passive demeanor, preferring to be respectable to those around him, even when there are moments he should speak up.
He has friends who embody the same compliant characteristics that he possesses.
These are all qualities that signal that he is a great candidate for a serious long-term relationship.
Even though she knows this, she chooses not to date him.
She wants a challenge.
She wants the guy she knows isn’t thinking about her every minute.
This is a guy that is unabashedly living his life without a care in the world, with a phone that is perennially blowing up with messages from girls that want him.
He is a challenge.
He is a project to her.
On taking him on as her new project, she gets to remold him into the perfect boyfriend.
She sculpts him into the perfect structure.
She wants to be the one that transforms him from a nonserious guy to a serious guy.
As a woman ages, she isn’t as intent to take on a project, preferring instead to find a serious man who has it together, and is a good provider for her future offspring.
Until then, she is primarily drawn to dating nonserious guys.
Basically, women date the bad boys, but eventually marry the nice guys.