A guy that asks you out on a date doesn’t do it on a whim.
There is planning involved.
He brings it up to you several times in the days leading up to the date.
He does this to keep reminding you about it and to gauge whether you are excited about it.
When a guy asks you to go out with him and it is impromptu, it is not a date.
It is more of a friendly hangout.
He didn’t go through the process of properly planning out the date and building a momentum with you until the day of the date itself.
When it feels as though he asked you to go out with him without much thought, it is not a date.
Although you like this guy, don’t let your desires influence your rational judgment.
Think back to guys who have asked you out on proper dates in the past.
Did they ask you out on a whim, or did it seem like they put more thought into it?
The men who have asked you out on official dates did so with forethought and planning.
They had thought through what activity they wanted to do with you and when they wanted to do it.
It never felt like they asked you out without properly thinking about what they wanted to do with you and when.
Now, think about how this guy went about asking you to go out with him.
Was it different?
Did it sound as though he took the time to plan out an activity that he wanted to do with you, or as though he didn’t put much thought or planning into it?
When a guy asks you to go out with him and demonstrates little effort, thought, and planning, he isn’t asking you out on a date.
He is asking you to a friendly hangout.
Being that you like him, it’s natural for you to yearn for him to like you too.
This means that you are interpreting anything he says or does that is remotely indicative of romantic interest, as a sign that he is romantically interested.
You are blinded by your desire for him.
So blinded, you overlook all the signs that point to a guy who doesn’t consider you as a romantic interest.
Furthermore, think about the activities he does with his friends on a regular basis.
If he asked you out to do an activity he often does with his friends, it is more of a friendly hangout.
It’s probable that the friends that he usually goes out with to do this activity aren’t available, and he is asking you to go out with him to do this activity as a replacement for his friends.
A guy that is asking you out on a date, especially a first date, doesn’t choose an activity that he does every weekend with his friends.
For example, he doesn’t ask you to watch a ball game with him at the local pub like he often does with his friends.
He wants to play it safe, and chooses an activity that is more appropriate to the occasion.