Category Archives: Love

Should You Believe In The Term “Soulmate” In Relationships?

Believing in the term “soulmate” in relationships is fine, but don’t misconstrue its interpretation.

Should You Believe In The Term "Soulmate" In Relationships?Many people have the misconception that there is exclusively one “soulmate,” and this isn’t true.

You have a lot of “soulmates” in life.

The possibilities are endless.

People who believe there is that one “soulmate” for them spend their lives looking or waiting for that person, which is a miscalculation.

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Is It Possible To Fall For Someone You Have Never Met?

Many people do fall for someone they have never met, and get caught up in the whirlwind of emotions that accompanies it.

Is It Possible To Fall For Someone You Have Never Met?Much of it stems from daydreaming.

As human beings, when we like someone from afar intensely, we have a propensity to daydream about the person.

With each consequent daydream, the object of our desire progresses to such an extent, it feels like we know them personally.

You fill in the blanks, creating particular characteristics that appeal to you and drawing conclusions about what the person likes.

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How Do You Know If One Person Loves The Other More?

They person who loves the other more goes above and beyond so that the other person is happy.

How Do You Know If One Person Loves The Other More?This is to the detriment of what they deserve for themselves.

A person who does this to a partner who doesn’t equally reciprocate, loves their partner more.

A healthy relationship is 50/50.

The wants and desires of the two parties are met equally, creating a healthy balance in the power dynamics of the relationship.

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Is It Possible To Have A Broken Heart From Someone You Weren’t Serious With?

Having a broken heart from someone you weren’t serious with is exceedingly possible.

Is It Possible To Have A Broken Heart From Someone You Weren't Serious With?It happens after a while of obsessive behavior in relation to this person, and constant daydreaming and nightly dreams about them.

You are thinking about this person as you do your activities during the day.

When you go to bed at night you have dreams about this person from time to time.

You check them out constantly on social media.

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I’m In Love With My Best Friend, But She Doesn’t Feel The Same. What Do I Do To Cope?

Accepting that your best friend doesn’t feel the same about you is how you take the first steps in coping.

I'm In Love With My Best Friend, But She Doesn't Feel The Same. What Do I Do To Cope?She is not in love with you.

Unfortunately though, this is the most difficult part for most people to accept.

It’s part of human nature to want what we don’t have and cling to it.

Undoubtedly, it is tough to accept that a best friend doesn’t love us back, given the history we share with her.

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