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Luke is a dating coach and founder of For professional dating or relationship advice, Book a Consultation.

He Has A Girlfriend But Still Consistently Contacts Me Every Day

When he has a girlfriend but still contacts you every day, he is content sharing unique information with you that he isn’t comfortable sharing with his girlfriend.

He Has A Girlfriend But Still Consistently Contacts Me Every Day This is a guy that wants to open up to someone else.

He doesn’t feel that his girlfriend is open to this sort of communication.

His current relationship is lacking.

You are the person that he is the most relaxed with on specific issues.

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Should I Stop Dating This Girl Because She Is Too Motherly And Dominant?

When a girl you are dating is being too motherly and dominant, this is something that she has done in past relationships and gotten away with.

Should I Stop Dating This Girl Because She Is Too Motherly And Dominant?She has had a number of boyfriends in her past that had a different perspective on this and a different personality than your own.

Being that she has had those past relationships and escaped with being motherly and dominant, she feels entitled in doing the same with you.

She doesn’t know any better.

As human beings, we are creatures of habit, and repeat behavior that has worked for us in the past.

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Will A Guy Distance Himself If He’s Been Hurt In The Past And Scared To Be Hurt Again?

Some guys do distance themselves when they’ve been hurt in the past and scared to be hurt again.

Will A Guy Distance Himself If He's Been Hurt In The Past And Scared To Be Hurt Again?This happens when the memory of his past relationship is fresh.

Unresolved feelings linger from said past relationship.

Unresolved feelings that linger is where you run into trouble with this guy.

Many a time, his goal is to get that ex back.

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Should You Be Intimidated By Your Boyfriend’s Sexy Female Best Friend?

You shouldn’t be intimidated by your boyfriend’s sexy female best friend, as this creates superficiality.

Should You Be Intimidated By Your Boyfriend's Sexy Female Best Friend?This is where you question your own attractiveness.

Contemplating whether your boyfriend wants to be with you as opposed to his sexy female best friend, unduly influences your mind.

Your boyfriend has given you no reason to think like this.

Don’t create something that isn’t there.

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