The words, “Nice meeting you last night lol,” as a first text after getting her number doesn’t give her much to work with.
Those words don’t do anything to trigger a conversation.
Being that you are the one who asked for and got her number, she expects you to lead by instigating a proper conversation.
The text message you sent her didn’t get her excited to talk to you.
She is fully aware that you two met last night.
That isn’t news.
Obviously, she had a good enough conversation with you at the time, which is why she gave you her phone number when you requested it.
Reminding her that it was nice meeting her last night is far too redundant.
And no, it doesn’t matter that you added “Lol” at the end of your text.
That didn’t make her chuckle.
If anything, she was left scratching her head.
After having the courage to ask for her number last night, that was all you had to say in your first text message to her?
This wasn’t a good first text impression whatsoever.
Yes, it was a bad first text.
It was far too safe and vanilla.
A better strategy would have been to ask her a follow-up question on a topic that she brought up last night that she was talking to you about.
This impresses her.
It lets her know that you were paying attention to what she was saying last night and not just staring at her cleavage.
I jest.
But seriously, it let’s her know that you were listening to what she was saying and taking it to heart.
Girls are so into guys who listen to what they have to say.
In sending her a first text with a follow-up question to what she mentioned in conversation last night, you are extending the conversation cohesively.
Additionally, you are reminding her of how much fun she had as she was talking to you last night, and this puts her in a good mood.
You want her to be in a good mood.
A woman in a good mood lets her guard down, which makes her emotionally receptive to you.
A first text that is asking her a follow-up question in regards to a topic she brought up last night puts her back in that happy headspace.
For all you know, you were the best part of her entire night.
All of this goodness would have been triggered with a simple text message asking her a follow-up question with respect to a topic she brought up last night.
It was a homerun.
By contrast, you send her this text, “Nice meeting you last night lol.”
What the?!
Alright, I won’t chastise you any further.
All hope isn’t lost.
You now have to completely wipe this bad first text from your mind, and do a complete 180 with the next text you are about to send her.
This is the text you send, “No lie, you were a breath of beautiful fresh air last night. I was thinking about what you said about…”
This is how you wipe the slate clean and start over.
It has a subtle flirtatious element to it, in using the word “beautiful,” but you don’t dwell on it.
You transition into substance, as you are about to ask her a follow-up question in reference to a topic she brought up last night.
Send her this new text and leave it at that.
Do not triple text her.
That wreaks of desperation.
Let her marinate on your second text and decide whether she wants to wipe the slate clean and start over with you.