Why Does A Guy Ghost You After A Good Date?

Why Does A Guy Ghost You After A Good Date?

He was hoping for a spark that he eventually realized wasn’t present.

There was a missing quotient to the date that led to him ghosting you.

Although he was kind and talkative, this was misrepresenting what he would ultimately come to realize about the date.

He didn’t realize it until the date was over and he had time away from it to think about how it played out.

Indeed, while he was at the date he may have thought that there was genuine chemistry and was looking forward to a second date with you.

He was in the heat of the moment.

Once the date was over and he was in his own space and able to reflect on it, he realized that he wasn’t as connected to you as he initially thought he was.

He fights this realization at first.

After all, he remembers how excited he was about you as the date progressed.

To think that he has since returned home and is sensing that all that excitement was based off of being in the moment, is hard for him to comprehend.

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So, he makes himself believe that he has every intention to ask you out in short order on that second date.

However, a day goes by and he is yet to do it.

He tells himself that it was because he was busy at work or with a project he is working on at home.

Another day goes by and he hasn’t contacted you yet.

He tells himself that it was because he was so tired from the previous day.

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Three days go by.



An entire week.

Now he realizes that he has been deceiving himself.

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He hasn’t contacted you since that date because he isn’t excited to.

Finally, he comes to grips with the reality that the date left him with less of a satisfied feeling.

This means that the preliminary excitement he felt was influenced by being stuck on the moment.

It didn’t last.

Since the date, the excitement has completely dissipated, leaving him empty.

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He realizes that he has been ghosting you, and unfortunately, he has no inclination to stop doing so.

You have had the opposite happen since the date.

It was a lovely night.

He looked like he was enjoying it too.

You left the date with a giddy feeling, excited about the prospect of meeting him again on a second date.

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Your excitement level remained on a high for several days after that date.

Until you realized that he wasn’t contacting you.

Then, you became concerned.

Once a week had come and gone, you finally accepted that you had been ghosted by the guy.

It left you flummoxed, given how excited he appeared to be at the date.

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It makes sense that you are confused as to why you never heard from him again, but oftentimes, this happens when the excitement wears off and a guy realizes that the spark he thought he was having with the girl wasn’t authentic.

He was just so caught up in wanting to experience that spark that he lied to himself, making himself believe that it was present during the date.

Once the date ended, he reflected on it and concurrently felt his excitement dwindle.

This is when he finally realized that the spark he thought was there on the date was merely temporary excitement, and ghosting you was his subconscious sending him the message that there wasn’t the right amount of compatibility present.

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