How To Deal With Friends Who Shame You For Not Dating Multiple Guys At Once, Or Dating At All?

How To Deal With Friends Who Shame You For Not Dating Multiple Guys At Once, Or Dating At All?

Have you thought about making new friends?

Friends shouldn’t be shaming you for not dating multiple guys at once or dating at all.

That is abusive.

Friends who love you don’t shame you.

Alright, maybe you have no inclination nor desire to make new friends.

I get it.

Dumping your friend circle and making a brand new one isn’t as practical as throwing out old socks and buying a new pair.

There is a root cause for why they shame you.

Shaming you is a sign of their disrespect for you.

To get them to stop shaming you, you have to get them to respect you.

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Earning their respect doesn’t mean that you have to give in to the peer pressure to date multiple guys or date at all.

You don’t have to do anything you don’t feel good about doing at this time in your life.

Rather, to earn their respect, you need to show them that you are someone of value.

This means that you succeed in life.

Yes, success is a massive contributor to how people see you, including your friends.

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When was the last time you excelled at something.

It could be anything.

An academic, professional or social venture.

People respond to success.

Let’s say you decided to do a marathon, get on the honor roll at school, learn a new language or musical instrument, get a promotion at work, lose weight and gain lean muscle, start a business online or in the real world, etc.

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Let’s say you succeed in these endeavors.

You receive accolades from your fellow students, coworkers, entrepreneurs, marathon runners, music enthusiasts, etc.

This leads to an increase in your social credentials.

Earning praise for your accomplishments from people outside of your friend group, influences how much your friends respect you.

They see the success and influence you are having in other areas of your life outside of your friendship with them, and can’t help but take you more seriously.

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The idea of shaming you takes a backseat to them now looking for your approval and acknowledgment.

It isn’t lost on them that thanks to your recent successes, your social media following has risen.

Besides social media, people are asking your friends about you too.

People at their work, school, gym, etc.

Suddenly, it feels really good to have you as a friend because an association with you bolsters their image and ego.

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Once you earn this type of notoriety from people outside of your friend circle on account of successes you have been having, the thought of shaming you for not dating multiple guys or dating at all, is the last thing on the minds of your friends.

Now that you have this success, they are gravely conscious of what they say to you.

Whereas in the past, they shamed you without any fear or hesitation, they think twice about doing that now.

They don’t want to upset you and risk having you kick them out of your friend circle.

After all, you could easily replace them with some of the people who have been giving you accolades for your recent successes.

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Or so they think.

Once you have a few solid successes under your belt and have gained notoriety for them, your respect quotient in the eyes of your friends soars.

Shaming you isn’t in line with how they look at you anymore.

They are more heavily invested in being your friend and staying in your good graces, than anything else.

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