He Doesn’t Want Anything Serious?

He Doesn't Want Anything Serious?

Where to go from here?

There is a guy you are attracted to who has revealed he doesn’t want anything serious.

A part of you agrees with this.

You didn’t think you were ready for anything serious either.

That being said, his behavior is puzzling you.

He goes for days without responding to a text message you sent, but when you do the same to him, he blows up your phone with text messages.

A guy who isn’t interested in anything serious shouldn’t be blowing up your phone when he hasn’t heard back from you, right?

This has left you scratching your head.

Again, a part of you was fine with the idea of having a somewhat casual relationship with him, but his behavior is inconsistent.

Be weary of a man who tells you he doesn’t want anything serious but displays erratic behavior.

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A guy that does this isn’t fine with the idea of you going about your day without thinking about him.

That is why he barrages your phone with text messages when you have taken days to respond to his last text message.

He has no issue with taking days to respond to your text messages, but loses his mind when you do the same.

This is a control issue.

He likes it when he is on the receiving end of your attention, as it makes him feel important to you.

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When you remove that attention by not communicating back over a number of days, he loses it.

The loss of control compels him to want to have it back.

As long as he knows you are thinking about him, he has his emotional needs met.

Don’t take this to mean that he wants an emotional relationship with you.

Getting his emotional needs met by being on the receiving end of your attention is a lot different from being emotionally available for a serious relationship.

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In receiving your attention, he gets what he needs emotionally, without having to give anything back in return.

This is how many women get trapped into believing that there must be an emotional connection, albeit with a guy who has told them that they aren’t looking for anything serious.

The erroneous assumption that his frantic desire to hear back from her when she hasn’t responded to his text messages points to his emotional availability, leads them into a perilous path.

As you think about his behavior, you deceive yourself into believing that he wants something beyond a casual relationship.

Soon after, as you dwell on this, you inadvertently develop feelings for him.

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You have fallen into the trap that many women have before you.

It never ends well.

His desperation for your attention when you take it away has nothing to do with him wanting a serious relationship, and everything to do with control and ego.

The attention boosts his ego, giving him a greater perception of control.

Control and ego.

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That is what he craves.

Not a serious relationship.

If you choose to maintain your casual relationship with him, never mislead yourself into thinking there is something more going on in terms of what he wants out of the relationship.

There isn’t.

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