Is A Man Dissatisfied In His Marriage If He Finds Another Woman Beautiful?

Is A Man Dissatisfied In His Marriage If He Finds Another Woman Beautiful?

Married men don’t go blind once they are married.

They still have eyes and those eyes know what beautiful looks like.

That doesn’t change with marriage.

A married man is fully aware when there is a beautiful woman present or in his vicinity.

Though he doesn’t dwell on it, his mind acknowledges that he just saw a beautiful woman.

Whether he is pumping gas or walking his dog, a married man rarely misses a beautiful woman who enters eyeshot.

Acknowledging a beautiful woman doesn’t mean he is dissatisfied in his marriage.

Many beautiful women are treated with reverence in society.

A married man doesn’t completely detach from this reverence.

Yes, like many men, he holds a door open a little longer when he sees you, a beautiful woman, coming into a building he was walking into.

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He unconsciously spruces his shirt and tie up while standing in an elevator and watching you walk in.

He gets a spring in his step when you look in his direction and smile.

A beautiful woman still has this effect on married men, just as she does on single men.

The difference between a happily married man and a single man is in how he never extends the moment.

He holds the door open a little longer, but unlike a single man, he doesn’t follow that up with making extended conversation and attempting to get her number.

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He unconsciously spruces his shirt and tie up when a beautiful woman walks into the elevator, but unlike a single man, he doesn’t follow that up by staring at her body from behind, imagining what sleeping with her would be like.

He gets a spring in his step when a beautiful woman looks in his direction and smiles, but unlike a single man, he doesn’t follow that up with looking in her direction again, attempting to reestablish eye contact.

A man who is happy in his marriage is affected by a beautiful woman, like most red-blooded men are, but he never extends the moment.

After the immediate effect she has on him, he lets it go and goes about his day.

A married man who is dissatisfied in his marriage acts like the single man when holding the door open, in an elevator or receiving a look and a smile from the beautiful woman.

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In these moments, he is compartmentalizing.

This is how he justifies behaving in the same vain as the single man.

The man who is dissatisfied in his marriage convinces himself that holding the door open for this beautiful woman and following it up with initiating conversation with her has nothing to do with infidelity.

All he is doing is talking, nothing is expected to come of it.

He uses the same approach when he spruces his shirt and tie up when the beautiful woman walks into the elevator and he is staring at her body from behind.

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All he is doing is looking, there is no harm in that.

When he spots her looking and smiling in his direction and he follows that up with repeatedly looking in her direction to reestablish eye contact, he justifies that behavior by telling himself that she was the one who started it, not him.

These are often the married men who compartmentalize their bad behavior so much, they eventually convince themselves that sleeping with a beautiful woman outside of their marriage has everything to do with their incompetent wives, than anything they are doing wrong.

Through mental gymnastics or compartmentalization, he never has to take responsibility for his actions.

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