What Can I Do To Improve My Chances Of Finding A Boyfriend?

What Can I Do To Improve My Chances Of Finding A Boyfriend?

Be sure that your desire to find a boyfriend is coming from a healthy place in your mind.

It shouldn’t be from a place of desperation.

Desperation is a turn off to most guys, especially quality guys.

Once they sense that you are desperate to find a boyfriend, they run.

Ask yourself why you want a boyfriend at this point in time in your life in the first place?

Is it due to peer pressure?


Wanting someone to do activities with?

Not wanting to be left out?

A desire to be special to someone?

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Whatever the reason is, you need to figure that out first.

Write a list of the reasons why you want to find a boyfriend.

Now, take a look at that list and ask yourself whether you can actually accomplish a number of those reasons without having a boyfriend.

Think about it.

If you want a boyfriend because you are lonely, are you doing anything in your life to help mitigate said loneliness?

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If you want a boyfriend to have someone to do activities with, what exactly is stopping you from doing those activities right now in your life?

If you want a boyfriend because you want to be someone’s special person, what’s keeping you from being special in your own way?

In other words, why do you need a boyfriend in order to make yourself feel special?

The importance of this exercise is to get you to understand your own potential.

Many people make the mistake of sleepwalking through life until they have met a partner and gotten into a relationship.

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Now, all of a sudden, they are willing to travel or play sports or go to social events or get better at something they were putting off for years.

To improve your chances of getting a boyfriend, do the things right now that you would want to experience with a boyfriend.

These are the feasible ventures that you have been putting off or made yourself believe you would need a boyfriend to experience.

Here’s the thing.

If you start learning how to speak that new language right now that you have been putting off doing for years or start taking those singing classes that you always wanted to, instead of waiting for a boyfriend to give you inspiration, you start that journey on becoming the best possible person you can be.

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When you realize that you actually have the potential to achieve so much of what you have written down on your list on reasons why you want a boyfriend, there is an incredible surge of electricity that courses through your entire body.

When you start taking the steps to do those activities and find yourself feeling sensational fulfillment in what you are doing, your entire body energy and outlook on life dramatically improves.

It is this radiant energy that attracts quality men to women like flies.

They sense that you have this incredible passion for life and they absolutely can’t help but approach you at the gym, gas station, grocery store, cafe, restaurant, public park, concert, museum, zoo, aquarium, convention, airport, etc.

Yes, you are out there in the world too.

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You are not moping around at home eating ice cream on your lavender sofa, watching TV reruns of Friends because you are depressed that you don’t have a boyfriend.

You are obviously out there in the world because you are living your life to the fullest and doing the things you thought you needed a boyfriend for.

They see you, feel your aura and can’t help but approach the woman whose dazzling smile is captivating everyone around her.

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