I Think I Have Been Texting Too Much. How Can I Do Better So I Don’t Push Him Away Before It’s Too Late?

When you text too much without giving him the space to initiate texts as well, he gets lazy with taking the initiative to text you.

I Think I Have Been Texting Too Much. How Can I Do Better So I Don't Push Him Away Before It's Too Late?He comes to expect you to do all the texting, and as a result, he stops putting in the effort.

This is where you start.

Reduce the amount of texts that you are sending him and give him the space to text you first.

Find activities to undertake that keeps you busy.

You are texting too much when you have made your life all about him.

This is where you are ignoring your past hobbies or have gotten lazy with attempting to find new ones.

Change this approach.

Engage in activities in your life that don’t involve him.

Think about the hobbies you love and do them again.

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Are you into photography?

Dust the cobwebs off your camera and start taking photos again.

Think about activities that you have never undertaken but you have wanted to.

Now is your opening to take them on and go for it.

As you increasingly engage in activities, your life is consumed by them.

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This is how you keep yourself from being idle, which leaves you little time to text him.

Also, when he knows that you are involved in these new activities, you ignite a surge of curiosity in him.

Over time, he wants to learn about the new activities that you are undertaking and how they are going.

This encourages him to take the initiative in texting you first, and more often.

You have given him a reason to because he is curious about what you are doing.

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Once he observes that you are no longer texting him as much, he develops a natural curiosity about what you are up to in general.

This spurs him to text you, which saves you from the temptation of having to text him.

Find a variety of methods to interact with him other than texting.

Use social media.

On the days that you message him on social media, avoid texting him.

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This prevents you from overdoing it.

You got to communicate with him, but through a different medium.

If it is a medium that he likes, he is going to want to chat with you more.

In time, he misses the use of texting as his way of communicating, and that causes him to initiate texts to you.

When you mix it up in terms of how you communicate with him, instead of strictly relying on texting, you keep him from getting bored over having to respond to you through texting all the time.

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In the end, you are the one who has full control over how much you text him.

Do better by reducing the amount of texts you send him, and keep up the effort.

In consistently practicing control of yourself, it becomes a habitual part of your personality.

Eventually, he begins to text you on a frequent basis, wanting to hear from you.

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