Why Is He Acting So Weird And Distant Towards Me Now?

A guy becomes weird and distant when he no longer feels excitement about a girl, and boredom sets in.

Why Is He Acting So Weird And Distant Towards Me Now?By now, he can predict what you are going to say or talk about.

He knows what angle you are going to use to interpret a story, or how you are going to respond to something he tells you.

He has heard the same details about the same story from you over and over, and he has gotten bored with it.

It’s the same old story when you talk to him about specific topics.

He is tired of hearing you talk about how your friend is considering quitting her job, or how much you can’t stand one of the neighbors.

And yes, he is exhausted with having to hear about your dream house for the umpteenth time.

He has heard all of these topics before and is bored with them.

Any of this sound familiar?

This is why he is acting so weird and distant now.

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He won’t tell you to your face that he is acting so weird and distant due to boredom and monotony.

He won’t be that obvious with it, given that he is worried about hurting your feelings at this time.

Notwithstanding, his actions are clearly showing that his mind has changed.

There is an alternate reason why he is acting so weird and distant now.

You were getting too close.

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There are guys who get terrified of commitment, or with moving a relationship to the next level.

They worry about the risk of the relationship failing after putting so much emotional investment into it.

A profound fear of losing their freedom is evident.

The expectations that come with a committed relationship creates further anxiety within them.

He fears that he won’t have the capacity to meet your expectations.

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Furthermore, he thinks that he is going to a sense of his identity by getting into a committed relationship.

These thoughts bounce back and forth inside of his head with the echo of a church bell.

They terrify him.

In an effort to quell these thoughts, he starts acting weird and distant.

The motivation is to slow these thoughts down.

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What’s worse is that guys like this sometimes choose to get out of a relationship by jeopardizing it.

This is when he has failed in quelling or escaping these fearful thoughts and assumptions.

Instead of telling you outright that he wants to end the relationship, he acts weird and distant, hoping that you get so annoyed, you end the relationship yourself.

He doesn’t want to have to be the one to end it.

Rather, he hopes you do.

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This way, he gets to leave the relationship with a clear conscience, without having to constantly question whether he made the right decision.

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