What Are College Girls Looking For In Guys They Want To Date?

What college girls look for in guys they want to date relies on the crowd they hang with and what year they are.

What Are College Girls Looking For In Guys They Want To Date?A senior college girl is prone to looking for a guy who is about to go out into the real world as well, or is already in it.

This is a guy that she relates to.

She is on the cusp of entering a new phase in her life.

The college days are about to be over and she is about to start taking on new responsibilities.

She is thinking about a professional career and paying off her college loans.

A girl like this is looking toward the future.

She wants to be with a guy who is looking forward, and is either about to embark on the same journey, or is already in it.

A freshman or sophomore college girl isn’t as stringent in what she is looking for in a guy.

She wants to have the full-on college experience, and isn’t set on any one caliber of guy.

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She is open to whatever comes at her.

As she is in the process of making new college friends, she is exposed to personalities that have eclectic backgrounds.

They show her elements to life that she has never undergone.

At this stage, she is like a young baby soaking up knowledge and experience with each passing day.

The world to this baby is still relatively new and fresh, and it is acquiring all the knowledge and encounters it can handle on a day to day basis.

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As I mentioned earlier, a girl at this stage of college isn’t too stringent on what she is looking for in a guy.

She is open to whatever comes at her, as she soaks up the college life and makes new friends.

You could end up being the guy she chooses to date, in a reality where you so happen to be in her social circle.

This alone has aided you in getting the attention of a girl at this stage in her college career.

There are college girls who have a type, in terms of what they look for in a guy.

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This is a type they have dated throughout their dating lives going all the way back to their high school or middle school days.

These girls are sticklers for their type.

In college, they hang out with the same crowd of people, many of whom fit the criteria of what they look for in a romantic prospect.

For instance, she is the studious type who is forever behind her laptop.

She was with the studious crowd when she was in high school or middle school, and does the same in college.

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In this crowd, it’s natural she connects with a studious guy romantically.

In a world where you so happen to be a studious guy, you attract a girl like this, whether it be as a member of her social group, or in an area that she frequents, such as a library.

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