I Can’t Be Romantic. What Should I Do About This Problem?

Never force romance when you aren’t feeling it or you know that this isn’t who you are.

I Can't Be Romantic. What Should I Do About This Problem?Stop looking at yourself as odd or abnormal if you feel like you can’t be romantic.

Ask yourself why you want to be romantic in the first place.

Was this what you were taught as a child?

Are you emulating your parents?

Is this about fitting in in pop culture or among your friends?

Not every relationship has to mirror each other.

You don’t have to copy what you have observed in your environment or in the media.

Rather, focus on what is natural for you.

If being romantic doesn’t feel natural to you, it doesn’t.

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Don’t look at that as a point of sourness or something to be ashamed of.

The first step in all of this is to discover and embrace your core.

Know yourself and why you feel the way you do.

This is your experience.

This is not anyone else’s experience but your own.

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You are your own person and you have to do what makes you happy as a person.

Never do what you think is expected of you in a relationship so as to conform.

As long as you have a willing partner who is accepting of you and you of them, do what feels natural in your relationship.

You aren’t romantic, but there may are a variety of qualities that you have that far surpass that of being romantic.

For one, you have a strong sense of adventure and a wonderful sense of humor.

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You have fantastic insights through life experiences that you can share with your partner.

Solving problems is another one of your natural gifts.

This comes in handy in a relationship.

There are so many elements that you bring into a relationship that can keep it interesting without having to force romance into it.

Now, amid all this, if you just want to have romance for the sake of the experience, there are a number of ways you can do this without compromising your other qualities.

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Dedicate a day to cook with your partner, and later, watch a movie together snuggled up.

This doesn’t take too much effort.

It is simple.

If you discover that you had a good time doing it, this opens you up to attempting more romance in the future.

Give your partner a massage from time to time.

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You don’t have to be the best at at, but in time, you discover that you enjoy it.

From here, you think about making it more intimate by setting up a few candles, or playing light music in the background.

This is how you get yourself and your partner into the moment.

If you do these things and enjoy them, you are going to be encouraged to keep indulging in romantic endeavors.

Never force what isn’t really there.

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In trying your hand at being romantic and not enjoying the ordeal, you are better off letting it go and being yourself.

Someone will appreciate you for being you.

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