When Is The Right Time To Delete And Block Someone?

Determine why you want to delete and block this person to begin with, and be candid.

When Is The Right Time To Delete And Block Someone?Don’t let high-octane emotion make you act too brashly.

This is where you are full of emotion and decide to delete or block someone as a reaction to how you are feeling.

The right time to delete and block someone is dependent on how long it takes you to become emotionally balanced, having the emotional fortitude to determine whether this is the right course of action to take.

Are you tired of this person and no longer want them in your life?

Are you unhappy with this person and how they have been treating you?

Are you trying to move on to the next phase of your life without this person in it?

Are you attempting to show this person that you have moved on and they no longer mean anything to you?

What is it?

Determine what your reasoning is before you make a move to delete and block someone.

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When you are tired or bored of this person, consider why that is.

Have you been the one taking a step back and leaving all of the work in the hands of this person?

Have you tried to make the relationship fun by suggesting what else you can do as an activity instead of leaving it in this person’s hands?

You bear some blame for this boredom.

This is where you kick off.

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Contribute to the fun and take some of that responsibility away from the other person.

In a scenario where you are unhappy at how this person has been treating you, consider whether this is a pattern.

When you are constantly dating or talking to prospects that treat you disrespectfully or show little affection, reconsider the people you have a propensity to date.

Don’t fall for the initial perception of chemistry or attraction.

Give a relationship some time to develop so as to determine how you are going to be treated before jumping right into it.

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Are you moving on to the next phase of your life without a desire to have this person in it?

If so, what phase is that?

Do you know?

Do you know what you want out of life?

Determine where you want to go in life.

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When you are living your life in the hopes that a new relationship facilitates in revealing where you want to go, you are living life in a weak and directionless manner.

Your relationships don’t determine the phases of your life.

You are the one who determines that independently.

A relationship adds to your life, it doesn’t fulfill it.

It is disingenuous to pretend that you have moved on from this person and no longer care for them.

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After all, you are acting this brashly in thinking about deleting and blocking this person because you do care and obviously haven’t moved on.

This is where you have to come to terms with your own emotions and be honest.

You won’t get over this person by deleting and blocking them.

You get over them by moving forward with your life in a positive way.

The right time to delete and block someone is when you do so nonchalantly.

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There was no anger or negativity when you did it.

It was time to move on.

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