Do Forehead Kisses Mean Something As You Are Being Courted?

Forehead kisses can mean something, but it depends on how this person went about kissing you on the forehead.

Do Forehead Kisses Mean Something As You Are Being Courted?A person who kisses you on the forehead while holding your head in his hands is demonstrating a deeper meaning.

A forehead kiss like this indicates that he wants to draw you close and show affection.

When he holds your head in his hands and leans in to kiss your forehead, he is conveying the message that he is with you at that moment in every way.

He is sharing this moment with you on an emotional level.

His hands on the sides of your face is how he creates a deeper connection through touch.

Touch is a powerful indicator of interest, markedly when it lingers.

If he placed his hands on the sides of your face and looked you in the eye for a few moments before leaning in and kissing you on your forehead, you have the best shot at this meaning something.

This combination of hands to face, lingering eye contact and the eventual forehead kiss is normally the three big indicators of romantic interest.

The hands are used to create that initial physical connection, and it is done softly, as he is using the palms of his hands to touch either side of your face.

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At this point, he is creating that physical connection that allows him to get a good idea of how you are connecting with him.

When your face feels soft and welcoming in his hands, he is soothed in knowing that you aren’t resisting, which must mean that you are feeling a romantic connection as well.

This is especially true when he feels your face lean into one side of the touch.

You do it ever so slightly but he felt it.

He felt the softness of your face lean into his hand.

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Once this physical connection has been established, he looks into your eyes for a sustained period of time.

He wants to create a stronger romantic connection by determining whether you continue to look into his eyes or whether you look away.

In sustaining the eye contact, he is emboldened, believing you are mutually on the same level of romantic interest.

Now he leans in and kisses you on the forehead.

He is kissing you on the forehead because he isn’t quite ready to kiss you on the lips.

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He is still trying to create enough of a connection with you before he makes that move.

He wants to know how you will react to the kiss to the forehead.

Do you hold his hands as he does it?

Close your eyes?

Stay right there and let it happen in a relaxed fashion?

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Pull back?

He is basically testing the waters.

When you are responsive to the kiss by staying there, closing your eyes fully or ever so slightly, and touching his hands as he does it, he believes you are open to taking this to the next level.

The next time he sees you, he kisses you on the lips.

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