Is It Best To Listen To Your Head Or Your Heart When Dating?

It is best to listen to your head as opposed to your heart in most circumstances when you are dating someone.

Is It Best To Listen To Your Head Or Your Heart When Dating?Your head is often what keeps you grounded.

Using your head enables you to think things through and do some analysis before making a move that you don’t want to live to regret.

Your head keeps you calm, giving you the time to let information settle.

It is best to listen to your head in most circumstances.

There is also the problem of listening to your head a bit too much.

In essence, you overthink everything.

This is where the danger creeps in.

When you use your head too much, you over-analyze.

The head has a habit of taking you off into different scenarios and tangents if you let it.

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This is when you have to be very cognizant of what is going on.

This is when you have to be able to put a stop to where your head is taking you.

Establishing a balance between how much you listen to your head and how much you act is where a lot of difficulty and confusion sets in.

If you over-analyze a situation, you create the actual story in your head of how things are going to unfold.

Nonetheless, you don’t know how things are going to unfold definitively.

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What you are doing is creating assumptions.

Those assumptions become what you choose to believe as the reality of what happens.

As a result, you choose not to act when in fact you should have.

You start drawing conclusions about another person’s character when you really know nothing about that person.

You believe that you are right in assuming that a person is a cheat or a player, given that they looked at you and flirted with you in a certain fashion.

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You begin to process how other people in your past have looked or flirted with you in that way.

You remember that those people turned out to be cheats.

As a result, your head tells you that you shouldn’t interact with this guy at all or give him a chance.

Unfortunately, there is a good chance that this guy is not like the others.

By listening to your head and over-analyzing, you have let a perfectly good dating prospect go.

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When you don’t understand balance, your head creates scenarios in your head as I described earlier.

Your head gives you a story that is not real, tricking you into drawing conclusions about how someone is going to react to you.

You draw conclusions about how you have so much compatibility with someone because you have seen yourself with that person in your head, living a life as partners.

That compatibility is lacking in reality.

In other words, you have drawn conclusions by letting the story take hold in your head without allowing the interaction to unfold naturally.

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This is where listening to your head is detrimental.

You need to have a balance.

When you feel like your head is taking you off into a tangent, stop it and simply make a decision.

Without overthinking, do what needs to be done.

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