How Are Single Men That Own Cats Perceived By Women?

When it is a healthy relationship between man and animal, with clearly defined roles, girls are alright with single men who own cats.

How Are Single Men That Own Cats Perceived By Women?They initially think the single man is a little different for having cats, assuming the quintessential single man would own a dog instead of a cat.

In observing the single man’s behavior with his cat or the way he talks about it, as loving and healthy, he endears himself to her.

It shows a side of the single man that girls like to see in guys.

The side that is caring or nurturing.

The side that shows that said single man can care for something else other than himself.

It allows her to believe that in caring and respecting his cat the way she has observed him doing, he is capable of showing her the same treatment.

Thereby, it is also a good thing to have a girl believe that you are someone that is capable of showing love.

Girls who want to get serious with someone often like it when they are reassured of the man’s caring side.

This makes her feel that she can trust you.

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Now, where a girl has issues with a single man who owns cats is when he has too many and can only talk about his cats and not much else.

Unless the single man is actually a breeder of cats that he then turns around and sells, a girl finds it odd when he lives with as many as four or more cats.

Once you climb to these numbers, she wonders why the single man has so many.

There is a part of the girl that wonders whether the single man has these many cats because he is so lonely or insecure.

This sends her red flags.

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She worries that the single man has no social skills or that he doesn’t know how to maintain a healthy relationship with an actual human romantic interest.

She gets worried there is little in common for them to talk about, as the single man would be spending the bulk of the time talking about his tribe of cats.

She questions the single man’s ability to form and maintain relationships with regular human beings.

She worries he is hiding an insecurity or imperfection in his character.

These questions are not necessarily deal breakers but they give a girl pause.

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It is different when the single man has a side business as a cat breeder.

It’s doubly different when she is a huge cat lover and has multiple cats of her own.

Then she gets to relate to the single man.

The majority of regular girls out there are more comfortable with you keeping it at one or two.

Once they get to know you, you get away with more without sending red flags.

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Regardless, you should always stay true to yourself.

If you love cats, even if it’s quite a few cats, there is someone out there that is likewise.

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