Why Do Girls Touch Their Hair, And Does It Have Anything To Do With Attraction?

For some girls, the act of touching their hair is what they do out of habit.

Why Do Girls Touch Their Hair, And Does It Have Anything To Do With Attraction?They have habitually touched their hair ever since they were little.

We have habits from our childhood that we never totally let go of.

For some of us, it is how we go about getting out of bed in the morning and what we tend to do right after that.

It is how we brush our teeth, put our clothes on, say certain words or use facial expressions.

We have certain aspects to our nature that stays with us into adulthood.

A girl who touches her hair has been habitually doing this since adolescence or adulthood.

It’s her comfort.

There are a number of girls who feel a sense of comfort when they touch their hair that helps to put them at ease.

It is cathartic.

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They know that they can always rely on how safe they feel when they do it.

Girls like this are a lot more at ease when they are doing it.

It’s akin to someone playing with an item.

They have a pen in their hand that they keep twirling or they constantly pick things off their clothing.

These are quirky habits that gives a person comfort.

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A girl feels a lot more in her element when she keeps interacting with something that is familiar.

In this case, her hair is familiar and helps to keep her calm and centered.

A girl touches her hair when she is nervous or in deep thought about something that she is figuring out.

In moments like this, she needs something to give her an anchor or keep her level-headed.

When she is nervous about something, touching her hair makes her feel better.

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It permits her to focus on something other than what is making her nervous in the first place, at least for a few moments.

These are precious moments and touching her hair keeps her from getting too carried away by the situation.

When she is figuring something out, touching her hair keeps her from getting frustrated with the situation.

The hair in this case becomes her anchor or her rock.

She comes back to it time and time again knowing that it gives her the resolve she needs to keep trying to solve the problem.

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A girl touches her hair when she is into a guy.

In a scenario like this, observe the manner in which she is touching her hair and what else she is doing.

In touching her hair and smiling at the guy on a consistent basis while simultaneously touching him from time to time, there are extremely good odds that she likes the guy.

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