I Feel Intimidated That My Boyfriend Makes Fun Of Other Girls

When you feel intimidated that your boyfriend makes fun of other girls, let your boyfriend know about it.

I Feel Intimidated That My Boyfriend Makes Fun Of Other GirlsThere is a reason why you feel intimidated by this.

You feel like your boyfriend is being insensitive and that it is inevitable that your boyfriend will make fun of you some day.

This isn’t a good way to feel in a relationship.

It would make you be cautious about what you say or do.

You become so worried that your boyfriend will make fun of you next that you close up emotionally.

You act out of fear and worry, and question some of what you believe.

You aren’t forthcoming with your opinions believing that your boyfriend is destined to make fun of them.

This can make the relationship suffer in a lot of negative ways.

You should be honest with yourself about how this makes you feel.

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Your boyfriend isn’t aware of the impact this has on you.

He believes that you are fine with it being that you don’t say anything about it.

If he isn’t being told that what he is doing is causing you to be this intimidated, he would only continue.

He has gotten away with this behavior in the past and this has emboldened him.

The more he has gotten away with it, the more he has felt the need to continue doing it.

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It has now become a part of who he is.

Nonetheless, your feelings are important in this relationship.

He has to respect that as your boyfriend.

A relationship can only be built when both partners trust and respect each other.

You should try your best to understand that your feelings count.

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You are one half of this relationship.

When your feelings are suffering, it affects you both.

A relationship is a two-way street after all.

You should let your boyfriend know how you feel about this.

He tells you that he means no harm by it, as he doesn’t see the damage it’s causing.

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Remember that he has been doing this for a while and getting away with it.

This is who he has become.

He hasn’t been chastised by others when doing it.

Thereby, it is easier for him to believe that he isn’t doing anything wrong.

It is easier for him to justify what he is doing by calling it harmless.

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It takes someone like yourself to step up and let him know the intimidation that making fun of other girls causes in you.

A boyfriend that loves and respects you is more inclined to take heed and abandon this behavior.

He is aware of how the issue makes you feel, and knows that making fun of other girls would not put you in a good mood.

He would want to keep you in a good mood as his girlfriend if he truly wants to be a good boyfriend and maintain a healthier relationship.

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