Should I Message Her Or Wait For A While Before Making Any Moves?

Having a desire to message her is an indication that you want to pursue her, and waiting it out only promotes anxiety and fear in you.

Should I Message Her Or Wait For A While Before Making Any Moves?That isn’t worth it.

Message this person and get it over with.

You shouldn’t overdo it though.

In choosing to message this person, give them an opportunity to respond.

In other words, don’t keep sending this person multiple messages because you haven’t heard back from them in a few hours.

Sending multiple messages could drive this person away.

You make this person surmise that you are desperate.

This doesn’t help your course in any way.

You should be confident enough in yourself to be able to send a message and leave it at that.

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A person who is authentically interested in you responds.

A person who isn’t, won’t.

It is just the way it is.

Try not to take it personally.

Remember that you are a unique individual.

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Understand that you have a number of personal qualities that are attractive to a mate.

When you take it personally that this person hasn’t messaged you back or told you what you wanted to hear, you make it seem as though you are not worth it.

This leads to you questioning your value and importance.

You should be accepting of your value and importance.

When you are aware of this and take pride in it, you won’t fear the prospect of not getting a response.

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In truth, this fear of not getting a response is the very reason why you hesitate to send a message.

You have to get over this fear.

Remember who you are and what you love about yourself.

The person you are doesn’t change just because you didn’t get a response or the kind of response that you wanted from this person.

You are still the same old you.

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Don’t let this fear keep you from messaging this person.

On the contrary, have a positive outlook about it.

A person who doesn’t respond to your message or doesn’t give you the kind of response you wanted, is a sign that you two obviously weren’t right for each other.

After all, it doesn’t really work if you are the only person that wants romance.

The other person has to show the same gusto and energy.

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This means that the right person is still out there.

There remains a world filled with dating possibilities.

So many people make the mistake of believing that this is all there is.

They get so focused on this one person and fearful of getting turned down by them, they forget that there is a world of dating prospects out there.

A world chock-full of them.

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You don’t have to put all your eggs in one basket.

Open your mind and recognize that there are several people that are potential matches to you.

When people learn to let go of this fear, they realize it’s easier to message and not sit around waiting.

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