Do Muscular Guys Turn Girls On In Relation To Attraction?

Although muscular guys turn some girls on, most girls don’t want to be with a guy that seems to live his life in the gym unless she is into the same thing.

Do Muscular Guys Turn Girls On In Relation To Attraction?Most girls can appreciate a muscular guy but they don’t want to feel intimidated.

A muscular guy who takes things too far is a turn off to girls.

Though muscles do have their appeal, most girls look for something more.

Having lots of muscles doesn’t compensate for a lack of personality.

This is where so many guys go wrong.

They erroneously believe that as long as they keep going to the gym and pumping iron while ignoring the work that’s required on their personality, they get girls to want them.

This is not the right approach.

It’s critical that you are a guy that excites her and makes her want to be with you.

This is where you are stimulating her mind and making her feel good.

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This is what girls place a lot of importance on.

How you make them feel.

How you get her mind to crave and want more of you.

Merely being a muscular guy isn’t going to cut it for most girls.

You have to give her more.

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As I mentioned earlier, a girl doesn’t want to get the impression that your life is in the gym.

She wants to feel like you have an interesting and full life outside of that.

This is what attracts her to you far more than your muscles.

Are you a guy that has an exciting life and can show her a good time?

Are you a guy with amazing hobbies that she would love to be a part of?

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Are you a guy that goes on new adventures and gets out of your comfort zone?

Are you a guy that can carry on a conversation?

These are weighty questions that she has.

The last thing on her mind is the question of whether you went to the gym on Friday.

You need to understand this.

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Your muscles are not going to compensate for a lack of personality.

Your muscles aren’t ensured to be that attractive to her, as she doesn’t necessarily like the fact that you are so hard.

She wants to cuddle into a soft chest or lean against you and not feel like she is leaning against a brick wall.

Guys who believe that merely having muscles is all that is required to turn a girl on are frequently mistaken.

A girl that isn’t a gym rat, cares little that you go to the gym.

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You could be skinny or a little overweight and she is fine with it as long as you make her feel good and stimulate her mind.

I don’t want to discourage you from working on your muscles.

That’s your prerogative.

Girls are attracted to a variety of looks on guys.

Simply being a muscular guy doesn’t mean that a horde of girls jump at you.

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Sure, they see you and admire the muscles.

To get a girl to be really turned on to you, you have to give her the right aura, personality and words.

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