Having Second Thoughts About A Date I Initially Agreed To

Having second thoughts about a date is a sign that you aren’t interested in this person, at least, not anymore.

Having Second Thoughts About A Date I Initially Agreed ToConsider how you feel at this moment and what the implications are.

As human beings, we are emotion, perception and energy.

We frequently know about how we authentically feel about something by what our minds and bodies impress upon us.

Stubbornly, we ignore these signs too regularly.

We ignore the signs exist, not wanting to come to terms with what we are feeling.

Stop and come to terms with your present emotion.

Having second thoughts about a date is your indication this isn’t a date you were particularly excited about from the outset.

Think back to how you felt when you agreed to the date in the first place.

What was your state of mind?

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What were the conditions in which you were in?

Was your decision rushed?

Were you consciously thinking things through?

Did you not realize what you had done until the date was already set?

At the time, it sounded like a good idea.

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Chemistry was present and conversations were painless.

Some time elapsed and your mindset has changed.

The chemistry you thought was originally there was a veneer.

Even worse, you have come to a realization that you are at a period in your life right now where you don’t want to date.

You don’t remember the last time you were single and free.

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Free to enjoy your life without constantly worrying about a partner’s happiness.

Accepting a date from him was second nature to you, as you have been dating or been in a relationship nonstop since you were a teenager.

Afterward, you know there was an error, as every fiber in your being wishes for a reversal of your agreement.

For the first time in a while, you are single, and you want to enjoy that for a while.

There is nothing wrong with coming to this realization in desiring time for yourself.

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Working on yourself seems so right and you are ready for it.

Whatever the reason why you are having second thoughts about a date, don’t brush it off by going to the date.

Such hesitation are your instincts impressing on you that this is either not the right guy for you or you aren’t ready to date at this time.

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