Does He Seem Remotely Interested In Me Or Am I Deluded?

When you have to wonder about whether a guy is remotely interested in you, chances are, he isn’t.

Does He Seem Remotely Interested In Me Or Am I Deluded?It is inevitable to daydream about his interest when you think about him throughout the day, which is what makes you deluded.

You feel like there is a connection and yet he is not remotely giving you the emotional feedback you desire.

In situations like this, it is unlikely that he is remotely interested, as he is not putting out the same effort you are.

But there are occasions where the guy is shy.

They hide their feelings, worried about how they come off in expressing them.

They are unsure of themselves in general and it isn’t hard to tell.

Moments do occur where they show clear signs of interest.

You just have to really be observant and pay attention to some of their subtle signs.

For example, a shy guy looks in your direction but looks away the moment you look back at them.

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They find it hard to move when you are in their presence, almost as though they are frozen in place.

Somehow mustering the courage to talk to you, they stammer.

In your real life case, there is nothing like that.

You have shown him affection and he has reciprocated from time to time but nothing much has come out of it.

Oh wait.

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There was that one time you both shared a kiss.

But again, it didn’t go much further than that.

Understand that there are instances where a guy plays around with a girl but has no intention of going any further than the occasional flirting or kiss.

This is where he feels the most comfortable.

You know a guy isn’t remotely interested when he barely calls or texts you.

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The times he does call or text, the conversations don’t last for long and he never asks you out on a date.

Worse yet, he forgets details about conversations you had just the other day and you pick up on a general absentmindedness.

These signals are clear and absolute, indicating a lack of genuine interest.

Acknowledge and accept these signals so that you don’t get carried away with what you are hoping for, as getting mired in useless hope does hamper your life romantically and in general.

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