Category Archives: Attracting Guys

What Is The Difference Between Finding Someone Attractive And Being Attracted To Someone?

What Is The Difference Between Finding Someone Attractive And Being Attracted To Someone?

Finding someone attractive is a physical sensation, unlike being attracted to someone which encompasses a combination of a physical and intimate sensation.

You could be walking on the street and walk past a guy you thought was attractive.

He had a strong, chiseled chin and lovely ocean blue eyes.

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What Does It Mean If A Guy Calls You A Good Girl?

He thinks you are a good girl who doesn’t get involved in crazy shenanigans, such as partying or breaking the law.

What Does It Mean If A Guy Calls You A Good Girl?He respects that about you.

There is a part of him that likes it that you are uncorrupted.

A person uncorrupted is a person he can trust and that is a good thing.

Apart from calling you a good girl, have you received compliments from this guy in reference to your looks?

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