Can A Guy Change His Mind About A Girl In Terms Of His Desire To Be With Her?

A guy that turns you down after you tell him how you feel about him romantically, isn’t into you.

Can A Guy Change His Mind About A Girl In Terms Of His Desire To Be With Her?In hearing him tell you that he only sees you as a friend, observe his behavior.

When he is backing this up with platonic behavior towards you, he is being sincere.

He is clearly signaling that you are his friend and wants it to stay that way.

Yes, there are certainly cases where a guy has changed his mind about a girl.

Those cases don’t occur all that frequently.

Girls and guys have a tendency to put people in their social circles in categories once there has been a sufficient amount of interaction.

A person in this social circle is placed in a friendship category, or a romantic category.

Once you are in a category, it is hard to break out of it.

Yes, there are many friendships that blossom to romances.

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Needless to say, in a bulk of these situations, there was already a mutual attraction in those friendships.

It is rare that a person becomes friends with someone that they find completely unattractive and eventually starts liking them romantically.

There is almost always a degree of attraction to begin with, even though the relationship started as one of friends.

If he has shown you in no uncertain terms that he isn’t attracted to you, it is unlikely that he changes his mind about you.

When you dwell in the hope that he is going to change his mind about you in the foreseeable future, you put your own life on hold.

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You operate with a constant sense of longing.

You become obsessed with observing everything he says and does, desperate to latch onto anything that makes you believe he has changed his mind about you.

Every time he says or does something that strikes you as a sign that he has changed his mind about you, you

For instance, you so happen to get into a conversation with him for an unusually long period of time, and you tell yourself that he is changing his mind.

After all, he never talks to you for that long.

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He tells you a number of jokes on a different day, and you tell yourself that he is changing his mind about you, given that he is trying so hard to make you laugh.

This is how you let your mind get the best of you.

The reality is, he did all that without any intention to reestablish a romantic connection with you.

There was nothing to it.

Your mind misinterpreted his behavior out of your overwhelming desire for him to change his mind about you.

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Coming to terms with how your mind plays tricks on you in situations like this, is to your benefit.

It is difficult to let go of someone that you like so much.

By now, you have already created fantasies about this person in your head, having seen yourself together with this person as a couple in your fantasies.

You have seen yourself being affectionate with this person as a couple in your fantasies.

It is hard to let go of him when such profound fantasies have affected you so deeply.

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Notwithstanding, letting him go and accepting your reality, no matter how undesirable this is, is how you move forward.

As long as you open yourself up, your future won’t have a dearth of male suitors.

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