What Are The Main Things That Girls Notice About A Guy In Regards To Attraction?

Girls get hypnotized by a guy’s smile, and struggle to be clearheaded when that smile is from a handsome face.

What Are The Main Things That Girls Notice About A Guy In Regards To Attraction?That smile on a handsome face is one of the main things a girl notices about a guy.

When a girl notices the smile of a guy that she is attracted to or somewhat intrigued by, it makes her think.

It makes her wonder what else there is to the guy.

His smile graces him with a degree of personality that makes her curious.

She doesn’t know the guy personally, but instantly she wonders about what type of guy he is.

The question of whether they have anything in common, or what it would be like to get into a conversation with him.

That smile brings out a number of thoughts in her mind.

She visualizes specific scenarios where she sees herself engaging with him.

That smile has had a powerful effect on her.

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If he hadn’t smiled, she wouldn’t have noticed him at all.

She would have gone about her day and not thought twice about the guy.

Although his smile has mesmerized her, his posture has added to her incapability to avert her eyes from him.

She notices his posture, and consequently, how he carries himself with it.

His physical movements are beguiling her.

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It is how she judges whether the guy she is looking at is confident or not.

Determining this alone is a major factor in a girl’s level of attraction for a guy or desire for him.

She observes how he walks, stands, maneuvers himself through a room, or watches how he moves his hands and head.

Is his head down or is it up?

Is he moving with purpose or does it look like he has no idea where he is?

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Is he being assertive with his hand gestures or are his hands crossed over his chest?

In short, she observes him.

These movements alone facilitate in getting her to determine whether this is a confident self-assured guy or not.

If she feels that he is an assertive guy, he has her attention for a while.

She hopes that he looks in her direction while he is in her vicinity, and waits for it.

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She is hoping that he comes towards her.

A confident girl holds eye contact with a guy who locks eyes with her.

This is how she sends the message that she is interested in the guy.

On the contrary, a shy girl worries about what she should do if he were to come her way.

She figures that she is going to glance at him, but knows that she is going to quickly look away the moment he locks eyes with her.

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A guy’s ability to be communicative and expressive are qualities that she notices too.

How proficient he is in communicating with people around him and how effective he is in engaging with them, is a major plus in capturing a woman’s attention.

She witnesses his social skills.

Many girls are social creatures by nature and easily identify with a guy who is likewise.

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