Is He Still Into His Ex, Or Am I Misinterpreting His Behavior?

He is still into his ex when he is calling her or texting her on a regular basis and he is doing so behind your back.

Is He Still Into His Ex, Or Am I Misinterpreting His Behavior?Even if he isn’t calling or texting her at all, he talks about her to you in some capacity.

What he says about her is not always nice, but her name is constantly on his lips, without any prompting.

It’s misleading to think that hearing him talk about her negatively must mean that he is over her.

This isn’t true.

Hearing negative comments about her are a sign that he thinks about her frequently, regardless of how much he wants to convince himself that he doesn’t care about his ex.

This is how it works when exes keep talking bad about each other.

He is comparing you to his ex from time to time, saying that you are better than she was at doing this or that.

The intent is to give you a compliment that further proves to you and himself that he is over his ex.

The truth is, he isn’t.

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In comparing you to his ex, he is demonstrating that his ex remains in his thoughts.

Unfortunately, he is still thinking about his ex and is struggling to detach himself from her.

In moments like this that he catches himself whenever he compares you to her.

He instantly apologizes as a result, or comes straight out and insults her as though it was her fault that he brought her up.

Insulting his ex out of nowhere becomes a constant after a while.

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For instance, he is doing an activity with you, and out of nowhere, he insults his ex who isn’t there.

Comparing you to her, and insulting her in the process, are telltale signs that he is still into her.

It is a consequence of his brain grappling with her absence.

He is desperately attempting to convince himself that he is better off without her, and this is what inspires him to belittle her by using insults.

By using insults, he believes he is putting himself on a higher level than she is.

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Sadly, all he is doing is digging himself a bigger hole.

At the end of the day, thoughts of her continue to enter his mind and he is at a loss for how to go about dealing with her absence.

A guy that is still into his ex is consistently following her on all of her social media.

He is habitually checking out what she is doing on social media on a regular basis.

Yes, he is sneaky about it.

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This is where he is checking what she is doing on social media behind your back.

But when it is all said and done, this behavior is a potent signal that he is striving to connect with her somehow.

It’s not that he intends to reach out to her on social media, but he does want to observe.

A guy like this has no qualms in using you to see if he can get back at his ex.

He takes an excessive amount of photos of the two of you, including sexy photos of you, and uploads those to his social media accounts.

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The motivation is to get his ex to see these photos on his social media and be jealous about them.

Doing this becomes so distracting, he neglects his relationship with you to an extent.

This strains the relationship.

When this goes on for a bit too long, he is showing that he is in denial about what he is doing.

This makes it harder for him to stop this behavior.

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Once you have observed this behavior by a guy, it’s time to have a conversation about how he candidly feels about his ex.

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