What Makes A Woman Interesting To A Guy Beyond Just Her Looks?

There are guys who become interested in women who share the same interests as they do.

What Makes A Woman Interesting To A Guy Beyond Just Her Looks?A woman that shares the same eclectic interests as a guy stands out.

Her looks aren’t as relevant to him when he discovers that she has the same love of an eclectic interest that he has.

This makes her a rare find.

She isn’t the norm and this makes her intensely intriguing to him.

Whether it be an interest in a sport he loves or technology he espouses, a guy that learns that a woman possesses a similar interest is instantly spellbound by her.

A woman with an impassioned opinion or viewpoint about different topics is a stand-out too.

To his amazement, he is so enthralled about her impassioned thoughts that he does something he rarely does with women.

He is looking beyond her looks, and is fascinated by how she thinks.

He loves it when she is so open in expressing her views and opinions, regardless of whether he agrees with them or not.

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If anything, the more different her views and opinions are to his own, the more interested he becomes in her.

He is appreciating her unadulterated candidness in how she expresses her views and opinions.

Given that she is expressing these views and opinions so openly, she gives him the impression that she is as authentic a person as it gets.

She isn’t telling him what she thinks he wants her to hear, she is telling him her truth.

This authenticity makes her so much more interesting to him.

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An interest that goes beyond her looks.

She isn’t regurgitating words that she thinks he wants to hear her say, so as not to offend him or run the risk of turning him off.

Rather, she is being her own person and showing candidness.

Her openness makes him that much more open to her views.

Her sense of purpose and confidence is intoxicating.

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It’s an intoxication that is attracting him to her, and her looks have nothing to do with it.

Her life story is just as interesting.

She has had a lot of exciting adventures in her life, and as she tells him stories about these adventures, he is rivetted.

She is describing activities he has never done in his life, and this has him intrigued.

Guys love a woman who has a sense of adventure.

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In coming across a woman who has seemingly lived such a life, his attention and interest is now at its peak.

He tells himself that he wants to do those activities, and envisions what it would be like to do them with her.

He marvels at the fact that she has done these activities and gone on these adventures on her own volition, based on her passion.

That knowledge alone draws him to her.

She has traveled to several places that he has only dreamed about going to.

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He is full of questions and so much excitement as he asks her questions about her travels and adventures.

His interest in her goes beyond her looks.

Her life adventures have given her a persona of such depth, his mind is completely stimulated.

With a mind that is completely stimulated, he finds her to be doubly interesting and captivating.

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