Will You Date Or Stay Friends With A Girl That Is Moving Away?

Dating her is doable and functional, as long as she isn’t moving away too far from where you live.

Will You Date Or Stay Friends With A Girl That Is Moving Away?How far away is she moving from you?

A relatively short distance is manageable.

When she is not that far away, the idea of dating her is a realistic option.

How long is she planning to be away?

Is she merely going away for a while, intending to come back in the fall or in a year’s time?

In a scenario like this, dating her is workable as long you maintain consistent communication with her, and see each other as often as you can during this short time.

Nevertheless, if she is moving far away from you and for good, it is best to stay friends and not date.

Now, there are a number of people who have had long distance relationships that have worked.

The reason why those long distance relationships worked was due to each person being severely committed to making it work.

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This commitment overcomes the distance issue.

A commitment that set forth an actionable plan for when they would planned to be in the same area together on a permanent basis.

Unfortunately, the majority of people that get into long distance relationships don’t have this indefatigable commitment.

Regardless of whether you believe that you are capable of handling the long distance, there are no assurances that she has the same capability.

At first, being that she has feelings for you, she tells you that she is up for it.

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But over time, she is communicating less and she doesn’t seem to want to engage as much as she used to.

This is the sad effect of a long distance relationship.

Even though there is an initial intention from either party to make it work, as time goes on, loneliness kicks in.

As a human being, you want to combat loneliness with company.

The company of the partner you love.

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Unfortunately, said partner isn’t physically there.

Your partner is too far away to assuage the loneliness.

You each hold on for a while longer believing that somehow the loneliness is going to dissipate.

One partner finds a way to temporarily overcome the loneliness, but the other doesn’t.

Her strength and endurance is waning.

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Eventually, your long distance partner’s determination is sapped and she is no longer responsive to your texts, phone calls or emails.

She comes up with excuses every time she doesn’t respond to your call or text.

As the excuses build up, it gets easier to keep giving excuses.

Now you have wasted all this time on a long distance relationship that has gotten you nowhere.

As I mentioned earlier, there are certainly long distance relationships that work and stand the test of time and distance.

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But again, those individuals were rock solid in their determination to make it work and never faltered.

They had a definitive plan for when they would be together in the same location permanently, and carried it out.

Can you count on yourself being that determined to make a long distance relationship work?

Can you count on her?

If this isn’t a relationship that has lasted that long, it is easier to transition the relationship to that of staying friends.

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If you have dated her for several years, there is more of a foundation to take a risk on a long distance relationship.

Should this be the case, make a definitive plan with each other on when and how you expect to be in the same area permanently.

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