I Have A Boyfriend But My Ex Keeps Calling Me On A Constant Basis

Although your ex keeps calling you, consider what you have been doing in response to his calls?

I Have A Boyfriend But My Ex Keeps Calling Me On A Constant BasisAre you answering those calls?

If you are, there is a part of you that still wants to be with your ex.

Be forthright with yourself about how you feel about your ex in comparison to your current boyfriend.

Why are you answering those calls from your ex?

What is making you respond to him?

Think about this thoroughly.

If you wholeheartedly wanted to be done with your ex, you wouldn’t respond to those calls at all.

Yet, you are.

Your feelings for your ex go much deeper than what you are willing to admit.

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In a completely opposite scenario where you haven’t responded to any of your ex’s calls, and have no intention of reconnecting with him, you are using the right approach.

Keep ignoring his calls.

Never answer them.

Answering his calls only emboldens him to keep calling, continuously bothering you, and putting a burdensome strain on your current relationship.

Basically, in answering his calls, you would be feeding into his desire to hear from you.

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He has that overwhelming desire at this moment in time, and you mustn’t feed it.

As long as you decisively ended the relationship you had with him, you have every right to ignore his calls.

It’s a little different if you didn’t decisively end the relationship.

If, for some reason, you didn’t end your past relationship with your ex definitively, you have created this problem.

Without a decisive breakup, an ex that has feelings for you is going to struggle to sever the emotional cord he has with you.

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He is going to keep telling himself that you never definitively ended the relationship, and that there is a possibility of a reunion.

In this context, telling him that the relationship is definitively over is critical.

I know you are upset about having to do this, but there are exes who have to hear from the horse’s mouth that a relationship is definitively over.

Otherwise, they never stop calling.

Without hearing those words, an emotional ex holds on to any hope of reuniting.

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This is why you must end relationships firmly and clearly.

When an ex is filled with emotion, accepting the reality that a relationship is over is difficult, even though you believe that you dropped enough hints when it ended.

Not being a hundred percent clear about the fact that you are ending a relationship works against you.

An ex that keeps calling believes that you are with this new boyfriend either as a rebound or to spite him.

How quickly did you get into a relationship with your current boyfriend after your previous relationship with your ex ended?

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If it was relatively fast, it isn’t unreasonable to think that an ex would look at this as a sign that you are using your new boyfriend as a rebound, or to spite him.

Should this be true, beware.

Starting a new relationship based on these reasons creates a weak foundation.

This is why exes keep getting back together, breaking up, and getting back together again.

Entering a new relationship after a breakup without doing the emotional work first is a recipe for disaster.

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Any new relationship you get into is at high risk of failing, given that you never gave yourself enough time to heal emotionally.

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