How Do I Discourage Him From Drinking So Much And Get Him To Be Healthier?

To begin with, determine whether he has a drinking problem through observing several cues.

How Do I Discourage Him From Drinking So Much And Get Him To Be Healthier?For one, how frequently he has to have a drink.

When he is constantly drinking, even during occasions where drinking isn’t necessary, he has a drinking problem.

He is drunk or inebriated whenever you are talking to each other or hanging out.

He struggles to keep a job and is constantly getting fired due to having too many missed days.

Look into his family history.

Family members who drink a lot, with a history of having a drinking problem, makes it likelier he develops a drinking problem as an adult, given that he grew up around it.

In growing up around it, he doesn’t recognize that he has a problem.

This inebriated behavior is the norm to him, as he saw it on a constant basis growing up.

Your task is to determine how bad this problem is.

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Assess his general behavior around you and while away from you.

Being in a constant state of drunkenness, whether he is around you or away from you, is a strong sign he has a drinking problem.

Addressing this issue with him is intimidating, given that he won’t want to confront it.

A lot of people like this are in denial of their condition.

You don’t want to discourage him from fixing this problem, you want to encourage him.

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Take some initial action by changing the environments you two socialize in.

If you tend to go to bars together or to places where alcohol is readily available, change this behavior.

Participate in activities where there is no alcohol around.

Start getting him to be active in these environments through leading by example.

The more you expose him to these healthy environments and activities on a consistent basis, the more you encourage him to forget about drinking.

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To get him healthier, engage in physical exercises together on a regular basis, or get him to meditate with you.

When it comes to your home, avoid having any alcoholic drinks around.

Only have healthy drinks or water.

This is how you continue to lead by example.

By doing this, you don’t give him easy access to alcohol.

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Whenever he wants to go somewhere to drink with you, suggest doing something else.

Watch his behavior over time as you execute these new strategies to see whether he changes.

If he is persists in drinking, this is when you are better off encouraging him to get professional help.

Should he choose not to do so, you are better off leaving him.

You don’t want to get sucked into an abusive relationship.

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An abusive relationship that has him consuming too much alcohol and striking you out of anger one day.

As time goes on, verbal insults directed at you become a staple in your relationship.

You are now experiencing both emotional and physical abuse due to his drinking.

Unfortunately, this is where these relationships end up and you don’t want any part of it.

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