Things To Do To Stay Busy When You Are Trying To Get Over Your Crush?

To get over your crush, work on the real source of your suffering and discontent, which so happens to be your mind.

Things To Do To Stay Busy When You Are Trying To Get Over Your Crush?Work on not getting carried away with thoughts about your crush.

Train it in this capacity through meditation.

Spend a few minutes a day focused on your breath as you sit and meditate.

Be conscious of your thoughts while you meditate.

Whenever you notice that you are beginning to think about your crush, bring your attention back to your breathing.

Allow yourself to experience how you breath and how deep it goes.

This is excellent training for your mind.

Practicing this daily, disciplines your mind and makes it focus.

This focus has you present within your environment without distraction.

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It helps you go about your daily routine much more effectively.

You are totally present to what you are doing and in total control of what you permit to enter your thoughts.

There are lots of things you can do to stay busy.

That being said, don’t overdo it.

This is a trap.

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You do so much at once, to get over your crush, and end up overwhelmed.

At a certain moment, you can’t keep up and this is when you stop doing it.

You stop doing anything.

Once this happens, thoughts of your crush come back into your life.

You have put yourself in a worse position.

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To avoid a burnout, concentrate on one or two activities to start with to stay busy.

It’s best to focus on activities that you would enjoy doing.

This lets you stick with that activity and not get bored too easily or too quickly.

What do you have a passion for?

Do you love art, sports, socializing, fashion?

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Figure out one or two activities you have a passion for and commit to doing them on a daily basis.

With a sport, join a team that plays together on a regular basis during the week.

You are training and learning with them.

This keeps you busy as you challenge yourself.

It has the added benefit of allowing you to get to know new people in the process.

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Should it be fashion, work on your own designs for clothing, shoes, or whatever branch of fashion you enjoy.

This occupies a lot of your time and intellect.

This is where you become laser-focused on working on your passion.

When you are more on the visual side of things as opposed to the art of fashion, get involved in fashion conventions, forums, and parties.

Find people online who have the same passion for fashion and strike up new friendships.

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All of these moves keep you busy.

As long as you are steadfast with them and you are mentally focused, you get over your crush.

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