Is It True That Girls Don’t Like A Guy Who Is A Virgin Or Inexperienced? Should I Lie?

A majority of girls don’t like guys who are virgins or inexperienced, but this doesn’t mean that you are doomed to never date a girl.

Is It True That Girls Don't Like A Guy Who Is A Virgin Or Inexperienced? Should I Lie?A minority of girls don’t have a problem with guys who are virgins.

Regardless of all this, you shouldn’t lie.

You don’t have to wear your virginity on your sleeves.

So you are a virgin.

Why scream that to the rooftops?

Why task a girl with this knowledge so early on in your exchanges with her?

When you are getting to know a girl, focus on letting her get a sense of your dynamic personality, so that she determines whether there is chemistry.

Your virginity shouldn’t be at the forefront of your mind at such an early stage.

When all you seem to care about is telling girls about just how experienced you are when in fact you aren’t, they get the impression that all you care about is sex.

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They feel like you have no interest in getting to know them as people.

They sense that you have little confidence and you are hiding something.

In a scenario where they believe your lie, they find out it was a lie when that moment arrives.

Why put yourself in this position so early?

It isn’t worth it and it does destroy any camaraderie you had built with this girl up until the point you began to lie.

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Your virginity is not your weakness.

Your mindset is.

A negative mindset about being a virgin gives off the wrong energy.

A girl picks up on this and turns you down for a date.

Your mindset has to be positive.

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One of honesty and authenticity.

Listen, if you were to succeed in building a rapport with this girl, there are strong odds she ends up seriously liking you.

She falls in love with your personality and charm.

She wants to be with you, as you make her smile and get her excited about life.

These feelings are strong and potent.

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Once you have a girl in these emotions, she wants to have additional shared experiences with you.

Regardless of whether you later show your inexperience in the bedroom, she is alright with it, as she has fallen for so much more than strictly your ability to please her in the bedroom.

She has fallen for you as a person.

She has fallen for your authenticity and how you make her feel giddy every time she thinks about you.

This is what counts the most when you are dating a girl.

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Give her the latitude to get to know you and get a feel for you, without throwing all degrees of lies about your know-how at her.

Once she cares about you, she is patient in the bedroom.

When she is patient, you have the leeway to gain greater skill over time.

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