I Am The Person Who Always Gives Relationship Advice To My Friends But Is Still Single

As of now, you haven’t met the right person for you, rendering you better at giving relationship advice to your friends based on past relationships in your life.

I Am The Person Who Always Gives Relationship Advice To My Friends But Is Still SingleThis is the role that you are best fit to play at this time.

It is prudent not to jump into a relationship solely based on being single at this moment in time.

It is tempting to have this mindset every time you have provided relationship advice to yet another friend, and nothing changes with your single status.

This being said, take account of where you stand as far as your viewpoints on relationships are concerned.

Ensure you aren’t still single because you are taking too much of your own advice.

In essence, you shouldn’t be over-analyzing everything.

The danger of always being the advice-giver and not the doer is in giving in to what you believe is perfection.

Being that you know quite a bit about relationships and how they work, you believe you have to hold out.

You believe you have to hold out for that perfect partner.

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You know who this partner is.

You have had relationships in your past in which you believed that you were with the perfect partner.

It didn’t turn out that way, but you learned.

You learned about what not to look for in a partner and learned a lot about what you should look for.

You believe that if that past partner had possessed those qualities, your relationship would have worked out.

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As a result, you tell yourself that your future partner has the necessary qualities or requirements that were missing in your last relationship.

Now you have created that perfect future partner in your mind.

You know how this perfect future partner is going to be, given that you see this partner in your thoughts.

You see their perfection.

The problem with this approach is that it ignores the reality that there is no perfect person or relationship.

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There are bound to be ups and downs in a relationship.

A person’s character is not going to be perfect and pristine every time.

There are going to be flaws in people, and flaws in relationships.

When you are the one who always gives relationship advice to your friends, you forget about this.

You are so enamored with what you believe is the perfect mate, you refuse to give anyone else a chance, unless they meet your criteria of what a perfect mate or partner should be.

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You have over-analyzed what the perfect partner is in your mind.

You have seen your friends make mistakes and have decided that you won’t do the same, believing your future partner to be mistake-proof.

A future partner that is perfection.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect mate or relationship.

Take the plunge and open yourself up to dating people that aren’t that perfect.

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Everyone has flaws, including yourself.

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