If The Shy Guy From Your Class Doesn’t Make A Move After You Gave Him All The Signs, Would You Go For Someone Else?

This shy guy in your class isn’t reading the signs or he is misinterpreting them, and this isn’t unusual for a shy guy.

If The Shy Guy From Your Class Doesn't Make A Move After You Gave Him All The Signs, Would You Go For Someone Else?In general, a shy guy struggles to make a move on a girl, regardless of the signs that are directed at him.

Although you are thinking about going for someone else, take into consideration that this shy guy is bad at reading signs, before moving on from him.

They have less experience with dating or romancing girls, so they are less likely to read into the signs of romantic interest that a girl is sending them.

Even though the girl is sending these signs repeatedly, the shy guy’s lack of experience hampers him from perceiving and understanding them.

On the other hand, if this shy guy in your class was to perceive and understand these signs, there is something else holding him back.

This is his lack of confidence.

He notices that you are sending the signs but he is too afraid of how to go about responding to them.

He is worried that he will say the wrong thing or won’t get a word out.

He makes assumptions of how everything is about to go, visualizing what it would be like if he were to take the initiative to talk to you.

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In his mind, he visualizes a shy guy who is finding it difficult to speak.

He visualizes a shy guy that is sweating or perspiring because he can’t seem to keep a conversation going, or make the girl laugh.

He is imagining a scenario in his head that he doesn’t want to be a part of.

This makes him choose not to act.

He likes you, but lacks the confidence to go through with approaching you and talking to you.

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Understand that a shy guy can easily talk himself out of chatting with a girl that he likes.

Now, before you decide to go for someone else, make an effort to change all of this.

Get this shy guy to make a move by getting yourself in environments that he is most comfortable in.

The class environment isn’t always the best place.

There are other students, teachers, books, chatter, bells etc.

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There are too many distractions.

Shy guys are most comfortable in environments that are a lot less busy, hectic and crowded.

Finding out about where this shy guy spends his free time or what he does as a hobby is helpful.

Get clues from his friends, or the books he reads, or what you hear him talk about to his friends when you are within earshot of their discussions.

In a situation where you learn that he loves to go to a particular store on weekends to buy comic books or video games, this is your opportunity.

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Befriend his friends so that you know when next they are at the store.

Then, be there.

Look his way and smile at him while perusing the aisles.

Ask him about his opinion on what you should buy or rent.

Once he sees you in the environment he is most comfortable in, it is easier for him to talk to you.

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From here, romance ensues.

And before you know it, you are in a relationship with him.

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