After Asking Him What We Were, He Never Responded To Me

Asking him about the status of the relationship makes a world of sense, as it is within your rights as someone he is seeing to know this.

After Asking Him What We Were, He Never Responded To MeHe didn’t respond, given that he isn’t ready to come to terms with how he feels about you.

Coming to terms with it means that he is informing you on where he wants the relationship to lead.

There are guys who are happy to remain in the status quo for as long as possible.

They are fine not having to acknowledge the status of the relationship you have with them or in keeping that relationship as mundane as possible.

Having him reflect on the status of the relationship you have with him makes him too anxious and unhappy that the status quo is being threatened.

He is in a comfortable place right now and doesn’t want to have to make any changes that causes an imbalance to his life.

This is a guy who is thinking primarily about himself as opposed to the relationship or your well-being.

He is primarily concerned about what the relationship that you have with him can do for him as opposed to what it can do for the two of you.

By never responding to your question, he is not contemplating what you are feeling or what your expectations are.

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His emotions are at a totally different place from where yours are.

His mindset is not that attached.

His emotions are detached from the whole situation.

If he was considerate of your feelings and expectations, he would have given you a response.

There is a part of him that hopes that you won’t ask him this question again.

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He went silent on you so as to build some time between when you asked him about the status of the relationship and the future.

He wants you to forget that you ever asked him that question.

The longer he waits without responding, the likelier he is using this tactic.

It would be different if you had heard back from him within a day or two of when this question was asked and he gave you a direct answer.

This means that he was thinking about what you asked him during those days.

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He was taking some time out to come to terms with how he felt about the relationship and has now come to a decision or comprehension.

The longer he waits to give you a response, the likelier he is hoping that you forget that you ever asked it.

A guy who is using this approach does contact you again, but won’t mention what was previously asked.

This is why you should be cognizant of what you do in the coming weeks and months.

You don’t want to put your life on hold for a guy who isn’t serious about you.

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When you are looking for a serious relationship and you haven’t heard back from him in a week or longer, move on.

Prepare yourself for the possibility that this guy contacts you again in the foreseeable future, attempting to reignite the relationship he once had with you.

You mustn’t fall for it.

A guy like this isn’t taking you seriously.

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