If He Texted You After The First Date, Is He Interested In You?

If he texted you telling you about how much fun he had and asks you about your availability to go on another date, he is interested in you.

If He Texted You After The First Date, Is He Interested In You?This shows that he is keen on taking the next step.

He is not just commenting, he is actually trying to take decisive action to see you again.

Texting you after the first date and asking you to further elaborate about something you were talking about on the date is how he is keeping the conversation going.

He is showing you that he was paying attention to the conversation that was had and he wants to continue it.

He is experiencing the aftereffects of the first date. A first date he didn’t want to end.

A text like this shows that he is interested.

He keeping the conversation going to extend the first date to some extent in his mind and to let you know that he was paying attention to what was being discussed.

It is important for him to show you that he was present.

This is a guy who is more than likely trying to impress and score a few favorable points.

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Texting you asking whether you enjoyed the date is self-deprecating, which means he is interested.

He cares about whether you had a good time and is playing down his charm.

He is self-deprecating by saying something along the lines of, “Hope I wasn’t too crazy for you lol.”

Something along those lines shows that he does care about what you thought about him during the date.

So, in this scenario, he cares about whether you had a good time and what impression he left with you.

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Now, if he texted you after the first date with a very short statement that didn’t leave much room for a conversation, that isn’t a good sign.

For example, a message that reads something like this, “Enjoy the rest of your day/night.”

Leaving it at that isn’t a good sign that he enjoyed the date.

He is being polite.

You notice here that he didn’t try to set up another date with you nor try to keep the conversation going by addressing something that you had both been talking about during the date.

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He is also not trying to gauge just how much you enjoyed the date or not.

He is not trying to be self-deprecating in any way to try to show humility.

He just texted a statement and left it at that.

This is not a very strong sign that he is interested.

Texting you a message that was only one or two words long isn’t a good sign of interest either.

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Something like, “Take care,” or “Good night,” are not very promising.

Too short.

He has already forgotten about you and is moving on.

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