He Doesn’t Know Why He Isn’t Interested In You Romantically

Though he doesn’t know why he isn’t interested in you, it doesn’t change the fact that he isn’t interested in you.

He Doesn't Know Why He Isn't Interested In You RomanticallyDoes it really matter that much why he doesn’t?

You want him to be interested in you so much that you are ignoring the reality of what he has already told you.

He knows the reason why he isn’t interested in you and then again, he has his doubts about it.

Nevertheless, you wouldn’t be doing yourself any favors were you to sit around wondering what his reasons could be.

He is unwillingly to tell you why he isn’t interested in you, as he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.

As a result, he doesn’t want to get into too many details about his reasoning.

He doesn’t want to feel awkward about it all, as though he is judge and jury.

There can be something very unsettling about that.

He doesn’t want to put himself in that uncomfortable position.

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Besides this, he has someone else that he prefers over you.

It doesn’t have to do with something that you said or did.

It isn’t the way you look.

He likes you somewhat but just not enough to take it any further.

There is someone else that piques his interest and he would rather be with than you.

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In a different scenario, he isn’t sure whether he wants to get into a relationship right now with anyone or to date.

He isn’t in that frame of mind.

He prefers to be on his own right now and do his own thing.

There is a decent chance that he was tempted by the prospect of dating you.

However, now that this prospect seems likely, he is beginning to have doubts.

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He is beginning to wonder whether being in a relationship is truly what he wants to do.

There is a part of him that has gotten into this with you without giving it much thought.

He started it, believing things wouldn’t get this far.

He wanted to have fun and go with the moment.

However, he is now realizing that the reality of dating you on a serious level has become very possible.

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As a result, he has become worried and has realized that this has gone further than he would have wanted.

He has now come to the realization that this thing is real and a very strong possibility.

Knowing that he was never truly wanting to be in a relationship in the first place, he tells you that he doesn’t know why he isn’t interested.

This is based on the fact that he got into something without thinking it through.

Now the reality of a relationship is facing him dead on and he has panicked.

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He has panicked and is unsure of how he should go about acting.

He is in a dilemma on whether he is interested in you or not.

It feels safer for him to say that he isn’t interested but he isn’t wholly certain of that.

Choosing to explore the possibility that there is romantic interest is difficult for him to undertake, but there is always a part of him that can’t help but keep flirting with the idea.

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