How To Deal With Guys That Keep On Texting But Do Not Ask You Out

Guys that keep on texting but do not ask you out seem like a conundrum, but they aren’t.

How To Deal With Guys That Keep On Texting But Do Not Ask You OutDealing with this and exiting the other end with your sanity intact comes down to taking that first step in asking the guy out.

You can do this in a way that doesn’t feel forced while in conversation.

For this to work, you really have to be paying attention to what is being discussed in your texts.

For example, during one of your text conversations, this guy brings up the topic of a particular movie that he heard was good or has a sequel currently released in theaters.

Use this as an opportunity to tell him that you could see the movie with him this Friday.

This is mentioned in the natural flow of the conversation and isn’t odd.

At this stage, he has to give you a response.

A guy that likes you, agrees.

A guy that doesn’t, gives you an excuse.

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This is how you know.

You have to do something like this so that you don’t keep wasting your time with a guy who is texting you for his own selfish reasons.

Some of his motivations are inspired by the boredom of the moment and his desire to talk to someone who is fun to talk to, such as yourself, to kill said boredom.

Obviously, this means that he has no romantic interest in you.

This isn’t worth your while when you have romantic inclinations toward him.

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The sooner you get him to act, the better it is.

You won’t have to continue guessing about him, or keep wondering about where his mind or heart is.

You won’t keep hoping for something that has you uncertain of where he stands.

Instead, you have your answer.

Use this method with anything that he tends to talk about while texting you.

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He talks about a particular pizza joint that he likes to go to and how good it is.

Use that opportunity to tell him that you love pizza and you have never been to that particular pizza joint.

You suggest meeting there for lunch or after work on some day.

This is suggested in the natural flow of the conversation, and doesn’t come off as forced, or made completely out of nowhere.

If he were to agree, you have instigated the process of finding out if there is a future in dating for either of you.

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Another effective way to deal with guys who keep on texting but don’t ask you out is to stop being so available whenever they text.

You don’t always have to reply right away.

Let him miss you somewhat.

Let him start getting a sense that you aren’t always going to be at his beck and call to respond.

When he gets a sense that he is losing your attention and interest, he is inclined to ask you out.

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He realizes that he has taken this texting thing too far and needs to take action.

When you take your time to respond to his texts from time to time, he will wonder about you.

He wonders whether you are currently out on a date.

The next time he corresponds with you, he asks you about where you were.

Joke around and ask him whether he was worried that you were out on a date.

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He laughs at this but gets the point.

He realizes that you are not going to be waiting on him forever.

This alone forces him to take action and ask you out if he truly likes you.

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