How Did Her Feelings Change So Quickly About Me In This Courtship?

Her feelings are temporary emotions, which means they are bound to change with the regularity of the sun raising and falling.

How Did Her Feelings Change So Quickly About Me In This Courtship?The potential of change is determined by how she feels that day, what her mood is, or how hopeful she is about something.

She needs to experience constant excitement to keep her feelings consistent.

When she is not indulging in that level of excitement, she gets bored or unhappy with you.

She feeds off of that particular feeling of curiosity and anticipation.

Anticipating and visualizing how things are going to go with you is the subsequent emotion.

Nonetheless, her feelings change when she isn’t certain of where she is going with you.

These feelings are triggered by something you have forgotten to say or do.

There is an expectation that she has that wasn’t met and now her feelings are changing.

Her feelings are changing when she gets too excited.

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A girl could get misled by her excitement about a relationship or someone she is seeing.

She easily lets this excitement to get the best of her.

As a result, she sets expectations for the relationship too early on.

She permits her imagination to go wild with these expectations.

Oftentimes, these expectations are not realistic.

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However, her feelings are getting the best of her.

She can’t contain them.

They are going to places that are making her feel even more excited.

She daydreams about what she wants.

She fantasizes about the hopes that she has for this new relationship.

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With these set expectations, she believes that the relationship should go in a particular direction and at a particular pace.

When the reality inevitably happens, she is disappointed.

She is disappointed that the relationship isn’t going the way she sees it in her head.

She is disappointed that you haven’t done or said various things that she was certain you would say by this point.

As a result, her feelings change very quickly.

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She lacks motivation.

She believes that you aren’t the right one for her.

Another reason why her feelings change so quickly is because she never knew what she wanted in the first place.

She told herself that she wanted you, and that your character and appearance is what she finds appealing.

Nevertheless, she realizes that she doesn’t know what she likes or wants at this time.

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She is discovering herself and her tastes.

She doesn’t know what she prefers.

Initially, you seemed to fit the perfect description.

You seemed to have the appearance and the personality.

Now she questions her tastes.

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Someone else captured her attention and he looks totally different from what she thought she liked in a guy, both in appearance and character.

She wants to investigate what it would be like to interact with him instead of you at this time.

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