What Does It Mean When A Guy Asks If You Have A Boyfriend?

When he asks you whether you have a boyfriend while making conversation with you about relationships in general, his intentions aren’t what you are hoping for.

What Does It Mean When A Guy Asks If You Have A Boyfriend?In this scenario, you were talking to each other about relationships.

These relationships were about friends, family, coworkers, and so on.

As a result, he naturally asks you whether you have a boyfriend given that the conversation is about relationships in general.

It’s the next logical place to go in the conversation.

In asking you if you have a boyfriend when engaged in these types of conversations about relationships in general, there is a chance that he is making conversation and going to the next logical question.

It doesn’t mean that he is actually interested in you.

When you know that he is interested in you is when he asks you if you have a boyfriend without any reason to.

In other words, you two weren’t talking about a relevant topic beforehand.

He just happens to bring it up out of nowhere.

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This is out of the blue and not expected.

This is when you know that he is showing romantic interest.

He wants to know whether you are available.

He doesn’t want to invest too much time making conversation with you and not know what your status is.

He asks you if you have a boyfriend almost immediately because he wants to know if you are available and thereby worth his time to speak to.

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This is normally when you know that a guy is interested in you.

He wants to ensure that you are available before putting out the real effort in talking to you over a sustained period of time.

So this is how you need to watch for it.

In asking you if you have a boyfriend out of nowhere with no real context and before the question was asked, he is most likely romantically interested in you.

Besides this, he is determining just how desirable and popular you are to other guys.

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Knowing this would make him more determined to pursue you.

He likes the competition and gets a thrill out of winning someone over.

Guys like this enjoy the chase a lot more than wanting to be with the girl.

He has a history of getting girls who were already in relationships to like him, and become unfaithful to their partners.

This is a guy that is turned on by this challenge.

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A guy like this typically finds it difficult to stay in long-term relationships without getting bored.

He requires a challenge on a frequent basis.

Staying in a relationship that becomes too familiar leaves him depressed and desperate to find a new conquest.

A guy like this would be more energized about the fact that you have a boyfriend than if you didn’t.

In having a boyfriend, you are gifting him with a new project.

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His challenge would be to see whether he can get you to like him and want to be with him.

Succeeding in this quest leaves him bored soon after, and he moves on to find a new challenge.

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